ABSTRACTS No. 71 - Page 220

Place of Imam Sadiq (a.s) in the Exegesis
of the Quran according to His Exegetical Traditions

Fatemeh Shariyani

Sayyed Mohammad Ali Ayazi

One of the most important ways to show the special place of Ahl al-Bayt (a.s) is to study and explain the knowledge that we have acquired from them and its various dimensions is visible in their interpretation. The importance of this study will be clear when it is done using a comparative method and comparing them to their contemporaries. Among the Infallible Imams, traditions quoted from Imam Sadiq (a.s) are of more quantity and diversity. Reflecting the diverse expression of Imam Sadiq (a.s) on the Quranic teachings and the newness of the exegeses, the authors of the present paper conclude that Imam Sadiq (a.s) has taught his followers a comprehensive method of interpretation of the Quran by presenting special meanings of the words of the Quran, causes of the revelation of the verses, community news and events in the past, the expression of specific evidence, interpretation and expression of the inner meaning, and predicting or foretelling the future. On the contrary, they [tabein] expressed mostly the literal meaning, causes of the revelation of the verses, and events in the past which are all of narrative nature. Therefore, study of the methods used by the Imam in his interpretation of the Quran aims to show the exclusive position of the Imam and his special knowledge.

Key Words: Exegesis of the Quran, Exegetical Hadith, Species of Exegeses, Imam Sadiq (a.s), Imam’s Contemporary Followers.

Reliability of Hadiths on Women’s Fitna (Intrigue)
Resources, Documents and Concept

Ali Raad

Zeinab Majlesi Raad

There are at least nine statements in the Shia and Sunni hadith collections reporting women’s intrigue. These traditions are dividable in two general types: explicit attribution of intrigue to women and juxtaposition with other intrigues. Acceptance of these texts as hadith and reporting them in the famous Shia and Sunni hadith books, indicate a historical belief in the content of these traditions in the Islamic culture and thought which has serious impacts on the people’s approach to the character and competence of women from Islamic perspective and makes the contemporary Orientalists and feminists think of women as humiliated beings in Islam. However,

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