ABSTRACTS No. 71 - Page 221

according to Imami school of thought and based on the results of the evaluation document and theological foundations of the authority of tradition, final attribution of all the traditions to the Infallible Imams is not right. but some of them are of strong issuance. The historicity of the documents indicate that the time of issuance of these traditions dates back to the first century AD, and in particular the era of the Prophet’s mission. Transition from Jahili culture to the Islamic culture is the discourse characteristics of this period and Islam had a reform and revival approach to woman aiming to repair and correct female character and adjust relations between men and women. The authors of the present paper have a critical view of hadiths on women’s fitna (intrigue) from different perspectives: frequency, historicity, the discourse analysis of issuance, source validation and documentation, conflict with other traditions. Findings of the study suggest that women’s fitna (intrigue) in traditions is not tantamount women’s humiliation and traditions just suggest the sensitivity of intimacy with women.

Key Words: Women’s Fitna (Intrigue), Love for Women, Sexual Morality, Gender and Hadith, Hadith Criticism.

A Critical View of the Tawthiq (Attestation of Reliability)
of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa al-Ashari’s Teachers
(Analysis, Criticism, and Evaluation)

Mohammad Sadeq Bakhsi Jooybari

Sometimes, it is possible to know narrator’s rijal characteristics by general attestation of reliability in which a group of narrators’ reliability are attested under specific criteria. Exact analysis of the general attestation of reliability is of high importance in the study of the hadith transmitters. General Management investigates some of the issues that are important studies of the narrator. After identifying hadith and rijali character of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa al-Ashari and reporting the theory of "the Tawthiq (Attestation of Reliability) of Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Isa al-Ashari’s Teachers", the author of the present paper makes a critical view of it using descriptive and analytical method. Recent Twelver Shia rijalis have different views of the theory. In such a way that some rijal scholars believe the reliability of all the Ashari’s teachers and others deny it. It is clear that if we accept the theory, then we should consider some unknown narrators as reliable. As a result many daif (weak) hadiths turn into sahih (authentic) ones. The author finally investigates the reasons of proponents of this theory and concludes that according to rijal and hadith findings and based on clear evidences this theory is incomplete. So the reliability of the teachers of

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