ABSTRACTS No. 71 - Page 223

Findings and results of this study shows that 342 of 357 papers have been compiled and 8 papers translated. 53.8 percent of them were authored by professionals with doctoral degree. From the standpoint of academic rank, the assistant professors had the highest participation. Men have authored 87.7 percent of the papers while women 12.3 percent. Of the articles examined, 62.7 percent have been written by one author, 33.9 percent by two authors and 3.4 percent by three authors. In terms of organizational commitment, Tehran University was at the forefront of educational research institutes. The analysis showed that most general categories of hadith sciences is the category of "hadith new approaches" by 37 percent and "Diraya" by 15.4 percent and "characteristics of hadith" by 14.6 percent were in the following places.

Key Words: Hadith Sciences, Subject Analysis, Content Analysis, Scientific-Research Journals.

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