ABSTRACTS No. 68 - Page 177

Imami Narrators, Hadith Scholars, Fihrist Analysis.

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A Critical Study of Umar Falata’s
View on the Beginning of Forging Hadith

Mahdi Mardani

Abdilhadi Masoodi

The issue of the beginning of hadith fabrication is one of the major issues about which the Shia and Sunni scholars have expressed different and sometimes conflicting opinions. One of the views belongs to Umar ibn al- Hasan ibn Uthman Falata, a Sunni contemporary author, whose book al-Wad` fi al-Hadith is the most important source in the field of hadith fabrication study. Reviewing other scholars' ideas along with presenting historical documents, he sought to prove the last third part of the first century (about 67 AH) as the beginning time of hadith fabrication. Analyzing Umar Falata’s views from both negative and positive perspective using a systematic method based on the beliefs of Sunni people, the authors of the present research study attempts to demonstrate that hadith forgery occurred during the life of the Holy Prophet and caution against the consequences of imputing the beginning of hadith fabrication to Shia and introducing Shia as the main cause.

Key Words: Fabricated Hadith, al-Wad` fi al-Hadith, History of Hadith Fabrication, Criticism, Critical Study of Umar Falata’s View.

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Response Modulators in Pleasant
and Unpleasant Situations Based on Hadiths

Abbas Pasandideh

The quality of response to both pleasant and unpleasant situations is one of the issues that have an important role in mental health. It has many causes, but this study is concerned with the single factors that are found in the narrations of the Infallible Imams, peace be upon them. Each alone has the same adjusting function in both pleasant and unpleasant situations. The present research study utilizes the content analysis method. Verify the sayings of the Infallible Imams peace be upon them, findings of the research indicates that correct regulation of the fourfold system of pleasure, desire, attribution, and expectations, each individual can adjust the response to both opposing situations. The author of the present paper concludes that investing

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