دو فصلنامه علمي تخصصي حديث حوزه 3


Interaction of Hadith with Human Sciences:
Imam Sadiq's Viewpoints

Abdolhadi Masudi

The author of the present paper, first makes a critical analysis of two existing process in interaction between hadith and human sciences: compositive and symmetric statement-making. He then defines and categorizes and offers a third process named as contributive stepwise discourse. Modus operandi of this process are as follows: possibility, paving the way of discourse, hypothesis-making based on hadith data, validity of attribution, micro-processing instead of theorizing, and hypothesis-testing. He deals with them all in first part of this paper. In second part, he points to three obstacles to this process and talks about the sanctification of religious texts and problem of criticizing them, unfamiliarity with methods of modern sciences, and the way of exit. In some parts, he gives some examples of this process originating from psychology and physiology.
Key Words: Hadith, Human Sciences, Psychology, Medical Traditions, Hypothesis-making.
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An Investigation of Ghiyath bn
Kallub al-Bajali’s Religion

Seyyed Ali Reza Hosseini

Since early days of hadith scholarship,Shiite rijal scholars have made efforts to know the hadith reporters’ religion and their reliability due to the influence of their approach to hadith transmission. Sometimes, we met some hadith reports while describing the characteristics of hadith reporters which are difficult to understand. One of them is to consider Ghiyath bn Kallub al-Bajali as `ammi (Sunni). On the other hand different sorts of information from books such as Najashi’s fihrist, and Shaykh Tusi’s Fihrist in description of hadith reporters have been neglected. In this study, the auther tries to reject this claim that Ghiyath bn Kallub al-Bajali is an `ammi and prove that he is a Shia. To do so, he also takes a look at some rijal books of

دو فصلنامه علمي تخصصي حديث حوزه 3
  • نام منبع :
    دو فصلنامه علمي تخصصي حديث حوزه 3
    تاريخ انتشار :
    پاییز و زمستان 1390
    سردبیر :
    غلامعلي، مهدي
    صاحب امتیاز :
    مرکز تخصّصي علوم حديث
    مدیر اجرایی :
    فاطمي‌ منش، علي
    تلفن :
    دورنگار :
    پست الکترونیک :
    مدیر مسئول :
    الهادي(خوشنويس)، جعفر
تعداد بازدید : 22892
صفحه از 199
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