چکیده مقالات به انگلیسی 73 - صفحه 153

consider religion as supporter of ethics. Therefore, when outward meaning of religious texts are in conflict with ethics, ethics should be preferred.

Key Words: Philosophy of Ethics, the Relationship between Religion and Ethics, Religious Ethics, Rationalism, Usul al-Kafi.

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Desire Regulation Model Based on the Concept of Islamic Zuhd (Asceticism)

Hamzeh Abdi

Abbas Pasandideh

Sayyed Mohammad Gharavi

In Islamic texts, two concepts of the world and the hereafter are of the key Islamic concepts. Stating the value of each of them and showing their position in the universe, Islam depicts

the road map to human happiness. The practical result of such "value judgment" is the believers desire regulation which is called "zuhd" in Islamic literature. Desire regulation based on the concept of asceticism has other functions. Among them is the true fulfillment of human needs. Since purpose and direction are two important factors for the true fulfillment of human needs, Islam, dividing the human issues into worldly and other worldly and stating their characteristics , introduces the true sources of fulfillment of human needs which paves the way for believers to have the correct choice and pay proper attention to the purpose and direction. This process causes psychological consequences such as "emotional stability", "feeling comfortable", "dealing with the difficulties", "Preventing misconduct and criminal acts" and "facilitating some positive traits such as patience, thanks, wishes "which have been verified by Islamic literature.

Key Words: Desire Regulation, Asceticism, Needs, Motivations.

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The Role of the Quran in the Detection and Correction of Tashif in Islamic Traditions

Sayyed Ali Delbari

Sayyed Mahdi Khodaee

Proper use of traditions is subject to remediation of damages to it. Tashif (slip of pen, misspelling, misplacement of diacritical marks etc.) is one of these damages. It brings about slight changes in words of narrative and thus

صفحه از 155