About This Work
What could form the basis of doing research about 'Abd al-Jalil Razi Qazvini was on the one hand his life and his works, and on the other hand the period in which he lived.
Since there was not enough reference to his life in historical resources and Tarajoms and from among his works the book of Naqd was the only one available, doing research in the first field focused just on the book of Naqd; while the period in which he lived was a field fostering numerous researches.
Concerning the fact that there were already at least 22 published articles available in Persian about the book of Naqd and personality of 'Abd al-Jalil, the scope of doing research became even more limited.
On the other hand, in the scientific conferences of Iran, apparently there is not much concern about doing research for the analysis of history, critical view toward history and the study of historical procedures.
Despite the mentioned facts, through a call for articles and particular recommendations made, 25 articles were accepted and verified by the scien-tific committee and they were sent to the con-gress to