چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني

the traditionists of Qom and the Imamiyyahs having tendency to the school of the theologians of Baghdad. This article rejects this reading and through another theory it finally shows that the application of the term of "the jurisprudence-oriented Shiism" in the theological discourse of 'Abd al-Jalil Qazvini Razi enjoys a completely strategic nature. Although apparently 'Abd al-Jalil refers to some Imamiyyah trends such as the jurisprudence-oriented Shiites and traditionists, the discordance of the existing information of the book with the known characters of these trends reveals that the reference to a trend as "Jurisprudence-oriented Shiism" and then writing about its contrast with the traditionsm is a mere strategy in order to rediscover the social status of the Imamiyyah at the age of 'Abd al-Jalil.
Keywords: jurisprudence-oriented Shiism, tradition-oriented Shiism, Naqd, 'Abd al-Jalil Qazvini, sixth century, strategy, theological discourse.

چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني

The Status of the Term...
"Jurisprudence-Oriented Shiism" in the Theological Discourse of 'Abd al-Jalil Qazvini Razi

Seyyed Mohammad Hadi Gerami ۱

The confrontation of the tradition-oriented and jurisprudence-oriented Shiites started from the 11th century After Hijrah, simultaneously with the activities of Mulla Mohammad Amin Astarabadi. Meanwhile, the application of the terms "tradition-oriented" and "jurisprudence-oriented" can be noticed in the previous centuries in a limited form, as well. The book of Naqd authored by 'Abd al-Jalil Qazvini Razi is one of the few Imamiyyah works of the middle centuries in which the confrontation between the jurisprudence-oriented Shiites and traditionists has been reflected relatively well, and specifically in a few cases references have been made to the name of a group as "the jurisprudence-oriented Shiites". Based on a preliminary reading, it seems that the mentioned contrast in the book of Naqd refers to

1.Ph. D. Student of theology in Imam Sadiq PBUH University (m.h.gerami@hotmail.com)

  • نام منبع :
    چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني
تعداد بازدید : 92106
صفحه از 194
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