چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني

The Sunnite "Madrasa" vs. the Shiite...
"Dar al-'Ilms": A Discussion on the Book of "Naqd" ۱

Leonardo Capezzone, Translated by Farideh Mahdavi Damghani

The historical resources of the fifth century have broadly referred to the measures taken by Saljouqids to destroy The Dar al-'Ilm of Abu Nasr Shapour (the Shiite Vizier of Buids), The Dar al-'Ilm of Sharif Razi and The Dar al-'Ilm of Sharif Murtada in Baghdad, The Dar al-Kutub of 'Azod al-Dowlah Bouyah in Shiraz and The Library of Sahib Ibn-i 'Abbad (the Shiite Vizier of Buids) in Ray. This has resulted in a bad fame for Seljuqs –who pretended to be Muslims and following the Abbasid Caliphate and the Shafi'ie denomination. At the same time, the historians and researchers in the field of civilization and culture have referred to the considerable role of Seljuqs in the development of "Madrasa" (and consequently the

1.This article is a translation of an article in French language titled as: MADRASA SUNNITE VERSUS DAR AL-'ILM CHIITE? (En marge du Kitab al-Naqd, sur les politiquesculturelles et les imageshistoriographiques entre les poquesbouyide et seldjoukide)

چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني

coherent Shiite books (since there are apparent errors and contradictions in it), the information presented in this book is in some aspects important because of its antiquity.
Therefore, this research will deal with the references of the author of the book to the specific beliefs of each of the existing sects at the time, and the considerable points are introduced.
Keywords: sect, denomination, school of thought, doctrines, Shiite, Sunnite.

  • نام منبع :
    چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني
تعداد بازدید : 88708
صفحه از 194
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