چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني

second part, after an explanation of the characteristics of the styles of the three periods of the Persian prose, the manifestation of these styles and also the role of the language prevalent in Ray have been illustrated through some examples quoted from the book.
Keywords: the linguistic form of the book of Naqd, Samani period, Ghaznavi and Seljuqs period, technical prose, literary arrays.

چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني

A Study of the Linguistic form...
of the Book of "Naqd" with a Reference to its Con-tent

Maryam Ghaffary Jahed ۱

The book of Naqd was authored by 'Abd al-Jalil Qazwini, a Shiite scholar of the sixth century After Hijrah. The book was written against Fada'ih al-Rawafid. The book, having been written fifty years before the attack of the Moguls, is a considerable resource because of the useful information it provides about the names of the Shiite books, neighborhoods, and libraries in the cities of Iran, some of which exist no more. The book of Naqd was written in the mid sixth century and linguistically was influenced by three stylistic procedures: the prose style of the Samani period, the prose style of the Ghaznavi and Seljuqs I period, and the technical style. Furthermore, from another point of view, some of the terms and combinations of this book were influenced by the dialect of the residents of Ray. In the first part of this article, the importance and value of content of the book have been explained; and in the

1.M. A. holder in Persian language and literature; university researcher and teacher.

  • نام منبع :
    چکيده مقالات کنگره بزرگداشت عبدالجليل رازي قزويني
تعداد بازدید : 88707
صفحه از 194
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