
Abstaining from the vain pleasures of this world puts the heart and the body at rest, whereas longing for them exhausts the heart and the body.

رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله :  ما تَعَبَّدُوا للَّهِ‏ِ بشَي‏ءٍ مِثلِ الزُّهدِ في الدنيا . بحار الأنوار : 70 / 322 .

 The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'People cannot worship Allah with anything better than asceticism from worldly pleasures.' Bihar al-Anwar, v. 70, p. 322

رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله :  الزُّهدُ لَيسَ بتَحريمِ الحَلالِ ، ولكنْ أن يكونَ بما في يَدَيِ اللَّهِ أوثَقَ مِنهُ بما في يَدَيهِ . بحار الأنوار : 77 / 172 / 8 .

 The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Asceticism is not to prohibit oneself that which is allowed. Rather it is to find that which is with Allah more secure than that which is in one's own possession.' Bihar al-Anwar, v. 77, p. 172, no. 8

 رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله :  الزُّهدُ في الدنيا قَصرُ الأمَلِ، وشُكرُ كُلِّ نِعمَةٍ ، والوَرَعُ عن كُلِّ ما حَرَّمَ اللَّهُ . تحف العقول : 58 .

 The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Asceticism from worldly pleasures means to cut short one's hopes of this world, to be grateful for every single bounty, to have piety and to keep away from all that which Allah has prohibited.' Tuhaf al-Uqul, no. 58

رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله :  الزُّهدُ في الدنيا يُرِيحُ القَلبَ والبَدَنَ ، والرَّغبَةُ فيها تُتعِبُ القَلبَ والبَدَنَ . كنز العمّال : 6060 .

 The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Abstaining from the vain pleasures of this world puts the heart and the body at rest, whereas longing for them exhausts the heart and the body.' Kanz al-Ummal, no. 6060

رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله :  أزهَدُ الناسِ مَنِ اجتَنَبَ الحَرامَ . الأمالي للصدوق : 72 / 41 .

 The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The most abstemious of people is he who renounces the prohibited things.' Amali al-Saduq, p. 27, no. 4