“The Study Quran” Published by American Islamic Scholars

“The Study Quran” Published by American Islamic Scholars

In an effort to bring about a richer understanding of the Quran, a group of mostly American-born and university-based Islamic scholars have produced a new translation of the Islamic sacred text.... more
Date : 11/18/2015 Number of Visits : 2912
The last book of George Jordac to be unveiled in Tehran

The last book of George Jordac to be unveiled in Tehran

IBNA- The last book by the noted Christian Lebanese thinker and author George Jordac who profoundly loved the character and ideas of Imam Ali (AS) titled ‘The Magnificence of Nahj al-Balagha’ will be unveiled in Tehran.... more
Date : 11/15/2015 Number of Visits : 1314
Iranian Graphic Designer Resurrects Endangered Kufic Calligraphy

Iranian Graphic Designer Resurrects Endangered Kufic Calligraphy

To know the importance of Kufic calligraphy is to learn that most of the earliest surviving copies of the Quran, from the 8th to the 10th century, were written in Kufic, with the exception of the latest discovered oldest copy kept in the University of ...... more
Date : 11/11/2015 Number of Visits : 1718
'Holy Quran Best Guide to Dealing with People of Different Nature and Psychology'

'Holy Quran Best Guide to Dealing with People of Different Nature and Psychology'

Inaugurating the 35th annual seminar of the Rabita al-Adab al-Islami (International League of Islamic Literature) on Friday at Jamia Islamia Ishaatul Uloom, Akkalkuwa, Sayid Rabey Hasani Nadvi observed that literature and writing skills can be significantly improved and made more effective for the humanity with ...... more
Date : 11/9/2015 Number of Visits : 1942
Hadith Studies No. 13 Released

Hadith Studies No. 13 Released

Latest articles published: Volume 7, Number 13 (Spring & Summer 2015)... more
Date : 1437/01/26 Number of Visits : 1225
“Moderation in Quran and Sunnah” Discussed in Maldives

“Moderation in Quran and Sunnah” Discussed in Maldives

A seminar titled “Moderation in Quran and Sunnah” was held on November 3 and 4 in Malé, the capital city of Maldives.... more
Date : 11/8/2015 Number of Visits : 1098
Arte Documentary on “Jesus in Quran”

Arte Documentary on “Jesus in Quran”

The Arte French-German satellite channel plans to broadcast a series titled “Jesus in the Quran”.... more
Date : 11/5/2015 Number of Visits : 1992
“Everything in Holy Quran” Published in India

“Everything in Holy Quran” Published in India

A book titled “Everything in The Holy Quran” was unveiled in a book fair held in Pune, India.... more
Date : 11/2/2015 Number of Visits : 921
Spirit of the Quran Found in Message of Imam Khomeini

Spirit of the Quran Found in Message of Imam Khomeini

If there is anybody in the universe today thinking about the spiritual dimension of human existence and the message the Quran has for spirituality today, then they would listen to the message Imam Khomeini (RA) gave about the Holy Quran.... more
Date : 11/1/2015 Number of Visits : 1814
A Unique Jihad

A Unique Jihad

For 34 years, Imam Zain al-Abidin (AS), as the Prophet’s 4th Infallible Successor, held aloft the torch of guidance, as caliphs rose and fell in Damascus, while in Hijaz the imposter Abdullah Ibn Zubair made life torturous for the Prophet’s Household for ten long years ...... more
Date : 10/29/2015 Number of Visits : 3439
Page From 54
Number of Cases : 531