London to Host Quranic Studies Conference

London to Host Quranic Studies Conference

The Sixth International Conference on Quranic Studies will be held in London, Britain, next year.... more
Date : 10/29/2015 Number of Visits : 790
Egyptian Christian Translates Quran into Sign Language

Egyptian Christian Translates Quran into Sign Language

A Christian woman in Egypt translated Muslim Holy Book, the Quran, into sign language.... more
Date : 10/20/2015 Number of Visits : 1241
Harvard Divinity School Launches New EdX Course on Scriptures

Harvard Divinity School Launches New EdX Course on Scriptures

After launching “Early Christianity: The Letters of Paul,” which claims to be the world’s largest Bible class with more than 32,000 participants, the Harvard Divinity School is aiming even higher with the introduction of its second online course called “Scripture,” which one Divinity School faculty ...... more
Date : 10/18/2015 Number of Visits : 1681
Ahl al-Bayt (AS) Islamic Center Opens in Czech

Ahl al-Bayt (AS) Islamic Center Opens in Czech

The Islamic Center of Ahl al-Bayt (AS) was opened with the presence of Grand Ayatollah Sistani’s representative in Brno, the Czech Republic.... more
Date : 10/13/2015 Number of Visits : 1348
Conference on Western Quranic Studies Planned in Tehran

Conference on Western Quranic Studies Planned in Tehran

A conference is scheduled to be held in Tehran later this month featuring the Quranic studies in the West.... more
Date : 10/12/2015 Number of Visits : 949
“Ghadir” Int’l Media Festival Concludes in Iraq

“Ghadir” Int’l Media Festival Concludes in Iraq

Winners of the 9th edition of Ghadir international media festival were announced in a ceremony in the holy city of Najaf, Iraq.... more
Date : 1436/12/27 Number of Visits : 816
Historic Quran Unveiled at University of Birmingham, Sparking Tears of Joy from Visitors

Historic Quran Unveiled at University of Birmingham, Sparking Tears of Joy from Visitors

Visitors were moved to tears as fragments of an ancient copy of the Quran - among the oldest in the world - went on display at the University of Birmingham.... more
Date : 10/6/2015 Number of Visits : 1645
French translation of Imam Zain ul-Abedin's work released in Senegal

French translation of Imam Zain ul-Abedin's work released in Senegal

IBNA- The book, 'Secrets of Haj' or 'Shebli's Hadith' by the forth Shi'ite Imam, Zain al-Abidin (AS) was translated into French and released in Senegal by Iran's Cultural Attaché in this country.... more
Date : 10/1/2015 Number of Visits : 1650
Jesus [PBUH] in Quran to Be Discussed at MSU

Jesus [PBUH] in Quran to Be Discussed at MSU

Jesus [AS] is a prominent figure in the Quran, a fact that might come as a surprise to Christians.... more
Date : 9/29/2015 Number of Visits : 970
Huge Quranic Center to Be Set Up in Karbala

Huge Quranic Center to Be Set Up in Karbala

The biggest scientific, cultural and Quranic center in the holy city of Karbala, Iraq, is planned to be set up by the Astan (custodianship) of Imam Hussein (AS)holy sh rine.... more
Date : 9/23/2015 Number of Visits : 893
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Number of Cases : 531