ABSTRACTS No. 13 - Page 241

against a few hadiths. In each artricle he tries to prove that the hadiths concerned are not made up or corrupted. In this issue, he answers three criticisms as follows: The first criticism is concerned with Allamah Muhammad-Taqi Tusturi (Shushtari). In his book Al-’Akhbar al-Dakhila, he regards one of the hadiths in Al-Kafi corrupted. The hadith in question is about hajj.
The second one is also raised in the same Tusturi volume. In it, he raise some objections concerning one of the hadiths reported in Man La Yahduruhu al-Faqih on determining the haram ‘forbidden’ months.
The third one is raised by Muhammad Tijani al-Samawi in his book Kull al-Hulul cInda’Ali al-Rasul. There he criticizes the hadith which says: ‘The best toothbrush is that made of the wood of ’Arak.’

cAli Sadrayi-Khuyi:

Dr Sayyid Jalal al-Din Muhaddith ’Urmawi: an Obituary

Dr Sayyid Jalal al-Din Husayni-’Urmawi, famous as Muhaddith, was born in ’Urumiyyah, Iran, in 1283AH Solar/1904. in childhood, he learnt Persian and Arabic literature and started learning religious sciences, such as fiqh, ’usul al-fiqh, kalam, logic, philosophy, hadith, and tafsir. He attended the lectures of such teachers as Sheikh cAli Khakmardani-Khuyi, and Sayyid Muhammad-Husayn cArab-Baqi. Later on he got employed at the Iranian Ministry of Education in Tehran for several years.
He produced tens of scholarly works. He authored ’Iman wa Rajcat, 4 vols; and edited ’Athar al-Wuzara’ of Sayf al-Din cAqili; Al-Idah of Fadl b. Shadan; Al-Tafdil of Al-Karajaki; Al-Fihrist of Muntajab al-Din al-Razi; Al-Gharat of Al-Thaqafi al-Kufi; Al-Mahasin of Al-Barqi (all in Arabic); and Kitab-i Naqd of Razi-Qazwini; and Sharh-i Ghurar al-Hikam of Aqa Jamal al-Din Khunsari (both in Persian).
’Urmawi passed away in Tehran on ’Aban 5th, 1385 AH solar/1979.

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