ABSTRACTS No. 13 - Page 243

Z. Baqiri-Bidhandi:

A Bibliography of Salawat

On the value and importance of salawat, it suffices to remark that the Holy Quran explicitly states, “God and His angels bless the Prophet” (Al-’Ahzab [XXXIII], 56); it recommends Muslims to bestow their blessings on the Prophet.
There are a number of hadiths, related from the Prophet, which signify the eward and virtues of giving blessings on th Prophet and his Ahl al-Bayt. This has been a noteworthy topic for many of Sunnite and Shiite authors and scholars.
The article is concerned with rendering brief bibliographical information of the literature on salawat. In the first section, Arabic and Persian books written exclusively on salawat are introduced. In the second section, there is a list of books containing at least an article on the subject.

Muhammd-Hadi Khaliqi, editor

Institute for the Revival of Islamic Culture: An Introduction

The Institute for the Revival of Islamic Culture is a research centre, dealing with textual scholarship on Islamic MSS in such fields as history, hadith, hadith-oriented tafsir (exegesis), rijal, and the virtues of the Ahl al-Bayt. Starting its activities in 1367 AH Solar/1988, it has published over forty volumes of books, a bibliography of which is included.
The Institute is located in Qum, with a specialized library and some 80,000 card catalogues on rijal and hadith authors. The Institute is directed by Sheikh ‘Ali ’Al-i Kawthar. It can be reached at POBox 3677, Qum, Iran, Tel. 0098-251-730981.

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