ABSTRACTS No. 16 - Page 225

of Fasl al-Khitab on falsification of the Quran. He holds that the author did not intend to imply that the Quran has been falsified; indeed, he could not anticipate the third consequences of what he did.
The writer then renders a bibliography of the books written by Siite ulema in criticism of Fasl al-Khitab, followed by a list of ulema who insisted on the security of the Quran from being falsified. In another section, the sources of the haiths quoted in Fasl al-Khitab are given, with the number of the hadiths and their sources, followed by the cases where there are some discrepancies between the Quranic verses used in these hadiths and the Quran.
The writer draws several conclusions, among them the rejection of the probability of falsification in the Quran; rather the attribution of this thesis to Shia is unfair. Apart from the author's mistakes in Fasl al-Khitab the writer insists on the academic character of al-Nuri al-Tabarsi.

Dr Hasan Hanafi:

From Document Criticism to Text Criticism (Pt. 2)

Dr Muhammad-Husayn Rawhani (tr.)
The writer seeks to propose a way to benefit from the social sciences and humanities in studying prophetic hadiths. He thus embarks upon the criticism of the Prophetic hadith document and text from such perspectives as sociological, historical, and literary criticisms. Recognizing the various literary genres of the hadith, he points to the uses and utilization of each method of criticism.
In this part, the writer goes on to discuss the dialogue style, moving on to an analysis of query and answer. Here he finishes the hadith literay genres with a distinction made between al-riwaya report and al-naql direct quotation .
Elsewhere in this article the historiograpphy of the form and content of the hadith is studied. Noteably, this study is conducted on the basis of al-Sahih of al-Bukhari, hence a descriptive one: it only aims to intellectual understanding of the content of the hadith as well as the scholarly basis of its issuance.

Nad-Ali cAshuri-Taluki:

The story of Hadith in the Reign of Mucawiyya

Upon studying the story of hadith in the reign of Mucawiyya, it is found out that there were three kinds of treatment vis-a-vis hadith: (1) banning the dissemination of hadiths, (2) falsification of hadiths, and (3) forging hadiths.
With this classification, the writer elaborates banning the dissemination of hadith and the harsh treatment of Mucawiyya with hadith transmitters. He also instatiated some examples which were especially applied to the hadiths related from Imam cAli.

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