ABSTRACTS No. 16 - Page 227

doctrines, and theology can sit for its enterance examination.
Also mentioned in this report is the curriculum, materials and the syllabi of the various disciplines taught at Dar al-Hadith, with detailed information on some of them. Then there is some information on the administrative offices of Dar al-Hadith, its student associations, and its other activities. In the final section of the report, a list of MA theses, PhD dissertations, and published books are given.

Sayyid Muhsin Husayni-Amini:

A Critique on the Software Mawsucat al-Hadith al-Sharif (Pt. 3)

Mawsucat al-Hadith al-Sharif is one of advanced and successful hadith softwares. Its first version came out in 1991 and its lastest version was published by. Sakhr Corporation/Company in 1998. It includes nine major Sunnite hadith books: Sahih of al-Bukhari, Sahih of Muslim, Sunan of al- Nasa'i, Sunan of al-Tarmadhi, Sunan of Abu Dawud, Sunan of Ibn Maja, Sunan of al-Darami, Muwatta' of Malik, and Musnad of Ahmad.
This article is concerned with its formal, stylistic, and editing shortcomings as well as its inconsistencies with definitive editions of the books it includes. Formerly, the first two sections of this article were published in cUlum-i Hadith [Hadith Sciences], Nos. 8 and 10.
It is noteable that in No.12, p. 216 of the same journal, there is a letter in response to such series of articles. Mr Husayni-Amini's answer to it is inclncluded in the Letters section of the issue.

cAli Sadrayi-Khuyi:

Hadith and Hadith Sciences Manuscripts: A Bibliographical Index

One of the most necessary things for the revival of Shiite hadith works and the sources of the Sunna, is to identify its chain of documents, viz. hadith and hadith sciences manuscripts. Having done this task, the edition, collation, and. publication of such works will become far easier and more consistent.
The project was first proposed in cUlum-i Hadith [Hadith Seiences] in 1376 Sh/1997 and has since been practised at Dar al-Hadith Cultural Institute. It aims to catalogue all manuscripts related to the hadith and hadith sciences. The first step to take is to identify and catalogue the manuscript sources through published bibliographies of libraries. This is to collect all information on any book in one definite place.
Since that time the, recataloguing of the relevant data in the bibliographies of Iranian libraries has been finished and the output is ready to be computerized.
Needless to say, the Qalam software (especial for cataloguing manuscripts) has been devised at the request of Dar al-Hadith in order to give a push to the project in question.

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