ABSTRACTS No. 17 - Page 217

Imam - as a significant factor in figurig out the meaning of the hadith.
5. To him, familiarity with kalam was of prime importance in order to distinguish sound hadiths from unsound ones.
6. He favoured considering the hadiths, rather than rejecting some of them.
7. He had a basic value for the Imams' associates as to practicing in accordance with a hadith or not.
8. He divided the Infalliables' hadiths as suggestive and directive; he regarded the former as not strictly necessary to obey.
9. He held that since Shiite rijal books were written for varied purposes, it would be unjust to expect and to infer something beyond the scope of the works.
All the evidence, cited in the article, are taken from Nahayat al-Taqrir, being the lecture notes of the Usul lessons of Ayatollah Burujirdi, edited by Ayatollah Muhammad Fadil-Lankarani)3nd ed., 3 vols, Qum, 1378 Sh/2000)

Mahamoud Gulzari:

Psychology and Figh al-Hadith ' Hadith Appreceation'

The present article is the text of speech which Dr Mahmud Gulzari, clinical psychologist and professor of Allama Tabatabaie University of Tehran, delivered in the fifth meeting on hadith scholarship, held on 20 Khordad 1378/9 June 1999 in Qum. The subject of this debate is the use of hadith (hadith teachings) in psychology.
Following an introduction on the definition of sunna or hadith, the lecturer pointed to this incorrect popular concepption of psychology, which equate psychology with the science of diagnosis and curing of mental illnesses. He viewed it as an incorrect definition. Referring to authoritative psychology texts, he defined it as the study of behaviour and human psychological processes. He also pointed to certain research methods in psychology.
As for the relation of psychology and hadith sciances, Gulzari believes that the former can be applied to the latter.
1. A psychological view to hadiths so as to recognize the reasons for issuing a hadith from the Iufalliable figure.
2. Use of field research methods in psychology to understand the hadiths. This can be achieved by questionnaires, interviews, etc. In this way, the instances of the Infalliable figures' hadiths can be verified.
3. Comparison of the assured results carried out in psychology with the hadiths so far transmitted to us.
At the and of the lecture, Gulgzari made a remark on the western approach to the psychology of religion, hence stressing on the necessity of the due attention to be paid to psychological issues in both the university and the religious academies.

Etan Kohlberg:

Al-' Usul al-' a'Arba'mi

Tr. Muhammad-Kazim Rahmati
The article is made up of four sections:
Section One: In it, the writer defines '' asl' in Shiite hadith sciences, which is applies to a collection of traditions, which the rawi ' reporter' heard them directly

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