ABSTRACTS No. 17 - Page 218

from the Infalliable Imam, and then reported them. He then points to the famous number of the Shiite asls ' pl. usul), recorded by the Infalliable Imam's direct students, which amount to four hundred. Following this, he indicates two methsds of organizing hadiths as applied by the editors or comppilers of the usul; they are mubawwab, categorized; and jami', collected. He next renders the history of transmission of usul by Shiite ulema in brief.
In section two, there is a discussion on the (un-)certionty of the usul as viewed by Shiite ulema.
Section three is conerned with introducing some usul reporters where names are recorded in rijal literature; some information is rendered about them and that from which Imam did they report their hadiths, and so on.
Section four is devoted to introducing some manuscripts in which the usul are mentioned, presently housed at public and/or private libraries; they were used by the Shiite ulema in the past.

Mahdi Husaynyan-Qumi:

In Defence of the Hadith (Pt.9)

In this part, the writer of this series of articles is concerned with falsifications made in the hadiths; hence marking them as being forged is a simple way to escape from accepting and interpreting them; this is practiced by some people. He holds that falsification has been practically very rare in the body of Shiite hadiths. Based on such principles, he criticezes the book Al-Akhbar al-Dakhila, compiled by Allama Muhammad-Taqi Shushtari, in which some hadiths are regarded as forged or falsified; he nevertheless regards them defensible and interpretable and does justice to them. The hadiths discussed are as follows:
1. A fiqhi (jurisprudential) hadith of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, reporting that in a congregational prayer, the ma'mum (viz. follower) should not recite two rak'as of the obigatory ritual prayers.
2. On the derivation of the name Fatima from the Divine name al-fatir. Explaining in detail on f-t-m and f-t-r, he cites and draws upon ample evidence from authoritative Arabic lexicons.
3. A claim on the falsification of the word jahadat used in the Ashura prayer.
4. On a tradition which Abdullah b. Sanan reported from the Prophet in which the Prophet said to a woman not to get out, while her husband was on a trip and her father died of a serious illness at the same time.

Husayn Harsawi:

A Critique of ' cAyar-i Naqd' [The Touchstone of Criticism].

In Issue No.15 of the journal ' Ulum-i Hadith [Hadith Sciences], there is an article, entitled ' cAyar-i Naqd [The Touchstone of Criticism], being a critical review of yet another article, namely ' ' Abu Hurayra', published in Issue No.10 of the same journal.
Sayyed Muhammad-Kazim Tabatabayi, the author of ' cAyar-i Naqd' [The Touchstone of Criticism], confirming the forger character of Abu Hurayra, held that (1) the great number of the hadiths related from Abu Hurayra is due to the

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