ABSTRACTS No. 17 - Page 219

fact that according to the Sunni definition, ' hadith' consists of sanad ' chain of authorities' and matn ' text'; hence any minimal variation in the sanad, e.g. the repplacement of one hadith transmitter with another one, would result in another hadith, even if the text remains the same. In this way, the texts of the hadiths related by Abu Hurayra would not exceed 1500 ones, (2) the opposition of the second orthodox caliph with Abu Hurayra's relating hadiths was not due to his being a forger, rather the caliph exercised the same policy with all hadith-relators, banning transmission of the Sunna of the Prophet, (3) Mahmud Abu Rayya, l'one of Abu Hurayra's critics and the author of Adwa'un cala -Sunna, is after rejecting the anthenticity of the Prophetic hadiths, stressing on the Quran as the only proof between God and people. To do so, he resorts to the shortcomings present in Sunnite hadiths and hadith books, (4) on the fact that Abu Hurayra had some thirty-two names and titles, he himself cannot be blamed; rather his hadith transmitters made use of so many names and titles to refer to him, perhaps to cover the deficiency inherent in their sanads. The author of the present article regards these four cases as defence in favour of Abu Hurayra and tries to answer the issues raised.

Mahdi Hushmand:

Hadith Scholarship in 5th Century Cordoba.

The present work is a review of Khalid al-Samadi, Harakat al- Hadith bi Qurtuba Khilal al-Qarn al-Khamis al-Hijri (Morocco: Wizarat al-Awqaf, 1995), 447 pp. The land of Andulus (Muslim Spain), including such cities as Cordoba, Granada, and Seville, witnessed great academic movements in the Islamic civilization. Andulus was the cite of Islamic-Arabic civilization in the Western world, hence such books as the one currently under review contributes to knowing the intermediate chains of transmitting Islamic scholarship into this land.
In this book, al-Samadi narrows down the scope of the book to Cordoba, the fifth century, the great hadith scholar Abu Muhammad cAbd al-Rahaman b. cAttab, and hadith sciences.
Al-Samadi studies the socio-political circumstances of the then Cordoba, the character and life of Ibn cAttab, and a bibliography of his works as well as his hadith doctrines. The book finishes with a detailed index of topics, the research sources consulted, and certain geographical maps.

Jibril Shadan:

A Review of Pishvay-i Chihrih bar Khak Sayandigan:

A Translation of Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya, tr. Muhammad-Mahdi Fuladvand, Tehran: Surih-yi Mihr, 1379 Sh/2000. 420PP.
Al-Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya is a collection of a number of prayers and supplications related from Imam cAli b.al-Husanyn. So far several translators produced Farsi versions of it, the last of them is Mr Fuladvand. Prior to this, his Prsian translation of the Quran come out.
Follwing some remarks of certain outstanding features of th Fuladvand version, the present review article reveals some translation errors occured in the first two prayers.

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