ABSTRACTS No. 21 - Page 210

holy Quran and authentic hadith books, he has come up with these questions in his book Buhuth ma‘a Ahl al-Sunnah.
the present article with the use of this book answers to the questions raised by the people of Sunnah.

Qasim Jawadi

A Review of the Article Firqat al-Salafyyah wa Tatavaratiha fi al-Tarikh.

The article under review is the text of lecture which Ayatullah sayyid Mahdi Rawhani delivered in the 31st meeting on human sciences in Japan, in his trip to Japan with a delegation of some scholars and professors.
This article has been published in the second issue of the journal Noor-i ‘Ilm.
This review pays to some important points of this article and renders a brief history of Salafiyyah and their doctriens on hadith.

Ahmad Abidi

Plastic Monotheism.

Ayatullah Sayyid Mahdi RAawhani in his book Buhuth m‘a Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Salafyyah criticizes the Wahhabites doctrines. they believe that every night God comes to the sky of this world and in the morning goes back to the upper skies. they also ascribe this opinion to their ancesters and imams and to ulama and traditionists although Shia does not accept this opinion.
Wahhabites believe in incarnation and anthropomorphism of God and argue that the verses of holy Quran and hadith imply this opinion but they are quite wrong.
this article displays some part of the aforementioned book and points to the questions raised by wahhabites and the answers given to them by Ayatullah Rawhani.

Mahdi Hooshmand

A Review of the Book: Makatib al-Rasul

The writer, in this article studies the history of collecting the epistles of Infallible figures and compiling Makatib books. He then points to Ma‘adin al-Hikmah fi Makatib al-Aصimah written by Fayz Kashani and intruduces its manuscripts. The aim of compiling al-Wathaiq, its sources and content are among other issues which have been discussed.
The writer then comes up with the book Makatib al-Rasul, written by Ayatullah Ahmadi Mianji and tries to represent its different sections and important features.

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