ABSTRACTS No. 33 - Page 221

In previous issue, he viewed these Mashhur hadiths from two perspectives namely text and content.
Finally the author concludes that there is no trace for these Mashhur Hadiths in our hadith literature although there are similarities between some hadiths by content or meaning.

Mustafa Sadiqi

Khitbat al – Bayan and Other Sermons Ascribe to Imam Ali

With reference to books which has been written after sixth century and are now available.
It is find out that some ascribed sermons to Imam Ali, peace be upon him are not traceable in Nahjul Balagha.
Sometime the content of this sermons exist in Nahjul Balagha but we can find some differences in wordings.
The author concludes that most of these sermons are made up and are not compatible with Imam Ali,s Status.

Mahdi Mehrizi

Women Transmitters of Haith in 6 th Century

In the present article, ninety two women transmitters who related hadiths are extracted from two hadith books and introduced, followed by a chart of their geographical location.
Hence, it becomes evident that women played an important role in transmitting hadith since they transmitted a considerable number of hadiths, such hadiths are noteworthy with regard to their content and the social influence they exerted. The author renders a geographical approach to hadith and importance of geographical location concerning the relation of hadith.

Ali Ilahi Khorasani

A Critical Review of the Article A Study about Sulaym bn Qays Hilali

A Study about Sulaym Qays Hilali is the title of an article written

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