ABSTRACTS No. 40 - Page 159

Muhammad Ihsanifar

Homogeneity of Nations
From the Quran and Sunnah viewpoint

The issue of Islamic Nations' homogeneity with previous nations is of those issues which both Shiite and Sunni have agreed upon. Hence there is little debate concerning its origin and reasons. But misunderstanding its nature and content has caused some deviation in religious studies.
Verifying some hadiths and other related evidences, the writer of this research deals with the content of hadiths and nature of this issue.
Keywords: Homogeneity of Nations, Hadiths on Homogeneity of Nations, the Holy Quran, Rational Evidences, Document Verification of Narrations, Divine Law.

Rahimeh Shamshiri

Dr. Mahdi Jalali

Najashi's Method in Rijal Criticism

Ahmad bn Ali Najashi proficient at rijal science and the author of the first and most important Shiite rijal work namely Fihrist Asmai Musannaf al-Shiah (or al-Najashi's rijal).
Although the authors aim was to list Shiite works and books, however there are useful information about the compilers of books, their classes, their race and genealogies and finally their academic status and authenticity of their works.
Studying and evaluating the method used by Najashi in investigating rijal the author of this paper tries to display his proficiency at rijal science and his systematic method in his great book fihrist.
Keywords: Ahmad bn Ali Najashi, Fihrist, Shiite Authors, Works and Books, Rijal (Men of Hadith), Rijal Criticism, Jarh and Tadil (Adaptation).

Azam Farjami

Identification of a Joint Narrator

Narrators whose names are the same are always found in chain of authorities of Shiite and Sunni hadiths. To distinguish them from each other, we should study, research and compile historical evidences and documents.
Ghyath bn Ibrahim is one of those narrators whose name is found in both Shiite and Sunni rijal books and has been described with different qualities. Hence some consider this name to be the name of two different narrators.
While investigating chain of authorities in Sunni hadith books, this question would come up if this narrator is the same narrator in chain of authorities of Shiite hadith books or not?
The present paper tries to answer this question and finally concludes that Ghiyath bn Ibrahim in both chain of authorities are one.
Keywords: Rijal (Men of Hadith), Chain of Authorities, Joint Narrator, Ghiyath bn Ibrahim.

Harald Mutskey

Abdurrazzaq Sanani's Musannaf
A Source for Reliable Hadith of the first century

Translated by: Shadi Nafisi
In recent decades some Muslim or Western scholars have criticized the method used by Goldziher and Schacht in their investigation of jurisprudential traditions.

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