ABSTRACTS No. 40 - Page 160

The author of the present paper with a traditional and historical approach tries to restore the lost validity of the chain of authorities concerning jurisprudential traditions.
Reviewing the traditions of Abdurrazzaq Sanani's Musannaf and studying his sources and teachers, the author concludes that jurisprudential tradition's chains of authorities of old haith texts are more valid than the picture depicted by Goldziher and Schacht's theories.
Keywords: Al-Musannaf, Abdurrazzaq Sanani, Schacht, Goldziher, Chain of Authorities, Tradition Documents.

Abbas Ismailzadeh

Shaykh Tusi's al-Ghayba

[A Collection of Rational and Traditional Discussions Regarding Occultation]

Many traditions concerning the Occultation of the last Imam of the Twelver Shiite have been entered into the Shiite hadith collections and some compilers have compiled them into books.
Shaykh Tusi is one of these compilers who has written a book under the title of al-Ghaybah.
Pointing to different aspect the book, the author of the present paper tries to give a lengthy account of it.
Keywords: Traditions concerning the Occultation, the Promised Mahdi, Shaykh Tusi, Al-Ghaybah.

Majid Gholami Jaliseh

A Survey of the Kafami's Studies on Sahifa

Introducing Ibrahim bn Ali bn Hasan Kafami and his works, the author of this article tries to represent Kafami's efforts on Sahifa al-Sajjadiah.
Displaying Kafami's manuscript of Sahifa al-Sajjadiah; studing some characteristics of the abovementioned book Such as document of Sahifah, numbers of supplications and their titles and also Kafami's commentary on Sahifah are of the issues which in this article is dealt with.
Keywords: Ibrahim bn Ali bn Hasan Kafami, Sahifa al-Sajjadiah, Commentary on Sahifah, Manuscript.

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