ABSTRACTS No. 41 - Page 186

above mentioned four virtues. Then he describes the transmission of these virtues into Islamic culture and their acceptance by some Muslim ethicists. Finally he compares these virtues with the main virtues introduced and emphasized by the Holy Quran and argues that this tradition is, probably, defective and apocryphal one.
Key words: Islamic ethics, Islamic virtues, virtue ethics, apocryphal tradition, Islamic moral philosophy.

Mahdi Mehrizi

An Introduction to the Status of Medical Issues in Hadiths

Medical issues form a considerable part of Islamic Hadith. Shiite and Sunni Hadith scholars from the first periods of compilation tried to compile these hadiths as independent works or by other issues.
The quality of dealing with these hadiths was the concern of the Muslim traditionists and theologians from the past times. These concerns have increased in the present time.
Author of this paper gives an account of hadith sources dealing with medical issues and explains about the methods used by scholars to verify these hadiths.
Keywords: Understanding Hadith, Medical Issues, Hadith Sources, Hadith Verifycation.

William C. Chitic

An Introduction to Sahiffa Sajjadia

Translated by Vahid Safari

William Chitic is one of the great western scholars who have done many researches on Islamic mysticism. One of his important works is a translation of Sahiffa Sajjadia ascribed to Imam Zain al-Abidin from Arabic into English.
The present paper is concerned with the introduction which has been written by William Chitic to his translation.
Rendering a brief explanation about Imam Zayn al-Abidin and also clarifying the status of prayer and supplication, Chitic tries to make a brief and short historical discussion about documents and different versions of Sahifa. He also renders a content-wise structural analysis of supplications of Sahiffa. The interesting point of Chitic's analyses is that he deals with Sahiffa in a open way far from criticism usual with the western writers.

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