ABSTRACTS No. 41 - Page 187

Keywords: Imam Zayn al-Abidin, Sahiffa, Prayer and Supplication, Remembering God, God's Mercy, Asking for God's Forgiveness.

Sayyed Hedayat Jalily

Who is Sahabi (Companion)?

A Critical Approach to the Definition of Sahabi Made by Mohammad Hadi Marefat and Ibn Hajar

Different points of views have been presented about the Prophet's Companions. Summing up these views will lead us to three definitions which are dealt with in this paper. The author also makes a comparison between Mohammad Hadi Ma'refat's views and those of Ibn Hajar and then makes criticism of it.
Keywords: The Prophet's Companions, Definitions, Comparison.

Rahimeh Shamshiri

Dr. Mahdi Jalali

Najashi's General Method in Fihrist

Ahmad bn Ali bn Ahmad bn Abbas Najashi proficient at rijal science and the author of the first and most important Shiite rijal work namely Fihrist Asmai Musannaf al-Shiah (or al-Najashi's rijal).
Although the author's aim was to list Shiite works and books, however there are useful information about the compilers of books, their classes, their race and genealogies and finally their academic status and authenticity of their works.
Studying and evaluating the method used by Najashi, the author of this paper tries to display his efforts in providing general information about compilers and his method in presenting them.
Keywords: Najashi, Fihrist, Works and Books.

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