ABSTRACTS No. 41 - Page 189

Keywords: Hadith Historicity, Documents Analysis, Hadith Document Criticism, Forging Hadith, Orientalists, Gautiar Juynboll.

Sayyed Lutfullah Jalali

A Review of Al-Tashrif bil-Menan fil-Ta,rif bil-Fetan

Razi ul-Din Ali b. Tawus Hasani is an influential Shii scholarin seventh century Al-Tashrif bil-Menan fil-Tashrif bil-Fetan in the subject of malahim and fitan. This book is comprised from three Sunni hadith sources. In later ages, this book is regarded an authentic book about Madawiyya, but in this paper se would see that it is not authentic, nor about Mahdawiyya, and Ibn Tawus himself did not believe that the tradition included in, valuable and authentic .
Key words: Ibn Tawus, Mahdawiyya, malahim, fitan, hadith, raising (Zuhur).

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