ABSTRACTS No. 44 - Page 198

Behrooz Yadolallahpoor

A Critical Review of Traditions Concerning Darb al-Quran bi'l Quran

The existing hadiths concerning Darb al-Quran b'l Quran is one of the reasons of opponents to this method. In their view, these hadiths demonstrates that this method is not an appropriate way of understanding the true meaning of the verses of the Quran and it will create some serious problems and contradiction in the field of the Quranic exegesis and perhaps following the method used by other celestial faiths will lead to the isolation of the verses of the Quran in our life.
Gathering hadiths concerning Darb al-Quran b'l Quran in the Shiite and Sunni hadith sources, the author of this paper tries to view these hadiths from document and hadith scholarship perspectives. By explaining about the difference between the commentary on the Quran with the aid of the Quran and the issue of Darb al-Quran b'l Quran tries to provide a better understanding of hadiths concerning Darb al-Quran b'l Quran
Key words: Chain of Documents, Commentary on the Quran with the Aid of the Quran, Darb al-Quran b'l Quran, Hadith Scholarship Analysis, Status of Hadith in Commentary on the Quran with the Aid of the Quran.

Mahmud Makvand

Comparing Some Tafsir Samples in Nahj al-Balagha with Exegetical Methods

There are many discussions about the exegetical methods and some writings are found which are concerned with narrative exegesis and exegetical methods used by the Infallible Imams, peace be upon them, with the aim of comparing their sayings with one of the existing exegetical methods. But little attention has been paid to the tafsir sample. In addition to comparing some existing samples in Nahj al-Balagha with exegetical methods, the author of the present article tries to study the exegetical sample independently. This article deals with seven exegetical samples in the light of four important exegetical methods. Every part of this article contains an exegetical method along with its explanation.
Key words: Nahj al-Balagha, Exegetical Methods, Narrative Exegesis.

Harald Motzki

The Colllection of the Quran:

A Reconsideration of Western Views in the Light of Recent Methodological Developments

Translated by Foruq Parsa

The issue of collecting and compiling the holy Quran and analyzing related hadiths is one of the most important issues in the field of the Quranic sciences. In addition to its importance, Islamic scholars have discussed on this issue in view of the fact that they attribute the virtue of collecting the Quran to a special caliph. But Western scholars have had other motivations for studying on this issue. Orientalists have always compared the different aspects of the holy Quran with the Bible and tried to find a Jewish Origin for the Quran and its concepts. On the other hand, it is seen that they have attributed the disputes concerning the history of compiling the Book to history of the collection of the Quran. After Noldeke, German scholars who has already accepted the Muslims views concerning the collection of the Quran, other Orientalists tried to reject the views of Muslims in this regard.
Utilizing old and new sources and by using modern research methods in studying history, Herald Motzki, the author of the present paper, has investigated all hadiths concerning the collection of the Quran and by means of a joint analytical method of documents and texts proves that previous studies of Orientalists are not reliable because of both presuppositions and methodologies. After analyzing the views of Western scholars he concludes that Muslim's studies are more reliable and useful than Western studies.
Key words: History of the Quran, Hadiths concerning the Collection of the Quran, Orientalists, Chain of Documents Analysis, Common Link, Analysis of Text and Chain of Documents.

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