ABSTRACTS No. 44 - Page 199

Zohreh Narimani

Jafar Firoozmandi

Interaction between Baghdad and Ray's Hadith Schools

Interaction between hadith schools is an issue of high importance in development of hadith scholarship. Sometimes this interaction becomes so profound that its deep effects are obvious in hadith approaches and views.
Among hadith schools, two schools of Baghdad and Ray play an important role in strengthening Shiite hadith. Illustrating the extent of this interaction will help hadith scholars view it from different perspectives and get hold of new views. In order to achieve this goal, we try to investigate the rijal interaction of these two hadith schools.
Key words: Baghdad, Ray, Exaggeration.

Ruhollah Shahidi

Dr. Muhammmad Ali Mahdavi Rad

History of Shiite Written Heritage in the Mirror of Fihrists

Since Shiite hadith is found more in books and collections and less in oral narrations it can be said that there is an inseparable link between hadith books and establishment of the early hadith schools, in different regions of the Shiite World. Shiite scholars tried to bring the hadith books written by great traditionists from learning place into their hometown by their permission and license. The writers of this paper try to view the existing biographies in Shaykh Toosi's al-Fihrist and Najashi's Rijal and analyze its chain of documents, then come up with the written heritage of important cities dwelled by the Shiite and finally the process of formation of some great schools such as Qum, Baghdad, and Khorasan is put on view.
Key words: Shiite Written Heritage, Hadith Journeys, Kufa, Qum, Khorasan, Baghdad.

Hamid Aryan

Removing Errors from Chain of Narrations: Resolutions and Reasons

To be assured of hadith issuance from the Infallible Imams, peace be upon them it is necessary to know the judgment of reporters in the chain of documents.
Viewing hadith from issuance perspective, every error in the chain of documents may distort the reliability of hadith. To remove the probable errors from the chain of documents of some hadiths, the author of the present paper only deals with misrepresentation in them and classifies the resulted outcomes in two categories: resolutions and reasons.
Key words: Document Investigation, Removing Errors from Chain of Documents, Misrepresentation, Extra, Reduction.

Fatima Marziya Hoseini Kashani

A Study on Roots of Ibn Juzi's Mistakes in al-Muduat While Analyzing Hadith

Shiite and Sunni Scholars have presented different criteria in the field of hadith scholarship and according to these criteria scrutinized fabricated hadith from other ones. Ibn Juzi believes that his definition of fabricated hadith is based on correct criteria of hadith evaluation. But it is found that he has made some mistakes in his method of hadith texts and documents analysis and his choice of fabricated hadiths. In the light of Ibn Juzi's personality and believes, the root of these mistakes are verified.
Key words: Scrutiny, Document Weakness, Ibn Juzi, Bias, Prejudice, Criterion, Evaluation.

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