ABSTRACTS No. 48 - Page 198

Zahra Riahi Zamin Ph.D.

Utopia in Hadrat Fatimah's Words

Utopia or a good-place land (as some writers name it) was used for the first time by Thomas More, famous writer and philosopher of England during 1515 and 1516. It was applied to a society of rational and idealistic system. Although it was the product of 16th century AD but its origin dates back to 5th century BC. Plato, the Greek thinker, is the first one who has depicted such a society in his book Republic. What is more notable in Plato's Republic is that he depicts justice as the center of his imaginary society and philosopher as the head of it. After Plato thinkers of different nations have somehow shown their inclination towards this ideal society in their works and given various descriptions of its characteristics. Farabi in his book Ara' Ahl Madina Fadila describes his imaginary and spiritual city emphasizing on philosophical principles and after him, Hakim Sheikh Shahb al-Din Sohrawardi, whose philosophical views are in accordance with Plato's one, called it no-place land and presented a new image of his desired world.
Clear difference between various definitions given by philosophers is the result of their material or spiritual perspective. More's utopia in spite of its religious atmosphere but is ruled by Communistic ideology. Farabi's utopia relying on religious law is mostly painted by philosophy.
By studying the works and sayings of the infallible Imams we find out that there is a special kind of utopia in their thoughts which is based on the Quranic and Islamic teachings. This is clearly depicted in Imam's and Hadrat Fatima's supplications, sermons, and words. The author of the present paper tries to describe this ideal society relying on the words of this great lady, peace be upon her.
Key Words: Hadrat Fatimah, peace be upon her, Utopia, Leader, Law, Dystopian Society.

Mohammad Hadi Mofatteh Ph.D.

The Holy Prophet: Political and Moral Values

Rulers’ policies and conducts is the differentiating point of the governments from each other. The Holy Prophet’s conduct and policies was different from other rulers. The author of the present paper tries to deal with the Holy Prophet’s conduct and his domestic and foreign policy.
Key Words: The Holy Prophet, Political and Moral Values, Government.

Jawad Iravani

Terminology of Zakat and Sadaqa in Hadiths

Words of Zakat and Sadaqa have changed a lot in some ways so that their literal meaning, their Quranic and hadith implications and their

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