ABSTRACTS No. 49-50 - Page 425

Samad Abdullahi

The present paper deals with chapter 76 of the holy Quran which speaks about the Ahl al-Bayt’s altruism: and they feed for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan and the captives. There is a consensus among Shii and Sunni in this regard. A few have doubted that this chater has revealed in Mecca while believers had no captive in Mecca. But discrepancies are due to the details of the story. Utilizing hadiths concerning this story, the author of this paper tries to present a clear story of this event. Key Words: The Reasons for Revelation, Chapter of Insan, Ahl al-Bayt, peace and blessings be upon them, Prodigality, the Indigent, the Orphan, the Captive.

The Sunni Hadith Functions in the Shii Sources

Based on Exegetical Hadiths

Hamid Baqeri

Mohammad Kazem Rahman Setyesh

Shii and Sunni hadith reporters have collected a wide range of the holy Propht’s sayings from their reliable scholars as hadith collections. Sunni’s licenses for narrating hadith have been challenged by Shii reporters even at the time of Imams, peace be upon them. They have asked Imams in this regard. In response to their questions Imams accepted those hadiths from the Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, which are reliable. Methods used by Shii thinkers and interpreters indicate that they have referred to Sunni hadith sources as well. Shii interpreters of the holy Quran have related from Sunni hadith sources in different fields while interpreting the verses of the holy Quran. Referring to Sunni exegetical hadiths has many advantages and functions. Some of them are as follows: authenticating and increasing the reliability of hadith, making for weakness of Shii hadiths, reviving the infallible Imams hadiths, confirming Shii views, relating virtues of ahl al-Bayt, explaining the spiritual aspects of Shii hadith, better understanding the verses of the Holy Quran, removing contradicts among hadiths and etc. Key Words: The Sunni Hadiths, Licence for Narration, Exegetical Hadiths, Advantages of Narrating from Sunni Sources.

An Investigations of Ziyarat Ashura’s Chain of Authorities and Documents

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