ABSTRACTS No. 53 - Page 204

disciplinary reasons and it should not be done on personnal emotions such as anger and etc.
In addition to the above mentioned conditions and limits there is one more limit and that is age limit.
Key Words: Child Beating, Discipline, Corporeal Punishment, Penance,

A Survey of Dabbat al-Ard 's Application in Shia and Sunni Hadith Sources

Hassan Naqi Zadeh

Saeedeh Sadat Musavi Nia

In spite of the fact that faith in raj`at (returning) is unanimously accepted by Shia people but a lot of things about its details has been unspoken. Meanwhile it could be remembered the Dabbat al-Ard (The Retile of the earth) which has been mentioned in the holy Quran and coincided with Imam Ali, according to some Shiite hadiths. While investigating the documents of these hadiths, the author tries to ponder upon hadith documents of the above mentioned coincidence.
Key Words: Interpretation, Dabbat al-Ard (The Retile of the earth), Imam Mahadi's Returning, Hadith Scholarship, End Time.

`Allama Majlisi and His Approach to Inconsistent Hadiths

`Abdul Hadi Fiqhi Zadeh

Zahra Khorami Ejlali

The necessity of removing conflicts and inconsistencies among hadiths issued by Infallible Imams and its role in removing doubts and labels of deficiency and inefficiency from the face of Islam, has motivated some scholars to deal, in their works and under hadith scholarship discussions, with the methods of removing inconsistencies. Allama Mohammad Baqir Majlisi, in Bihar al-Anwar under his hadith scholarship explanations, comes up with some inconsistencies and tries to find solutions in order to remove them. His precision in verification of hadiths caused him not to reject inconsistent hadiths at first sight and look for different probabilities. In this way he has utilized theoretical solution as well as practical one that is he has mentioned some probabilities referring to scientific and reliable

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