ABSTRACTS No. 53 - Page 206

Key Words: Hisham bn Hikam, Nasir al-Qaffari, Incarnation, Embodiment, Hadith Scholarship.

Imam Ali's Letter to His Followers and Its Scanned Version in Nahj al-Balaghah

Hamid Reza Sarraf

Nahj al-Balaghah is one of the important books in the field of Islamic knowledge. Sayyid Radi has compiled some sayings of Imam Ali, peace be upon him in it. This book has been very well received from the beginning. It has also some deficiencies such as writing scanned form of some sayings. The writer of the present paper first introduces one of the letters of Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah which has been written in pieces. He then points to some outcomes of this scansion.
Key Words: Imam Ali, peace be upon him, Nahj al-Balagha, Sayyid Radi, Authenticity, Documentation, Scansion.

The Origin of Imam Mahdi's Occultation in Hadiths

Mahdi Gholamali

The possibility of Imam Mahdi's Occultation and its forecast by some other Divine proofs, has been challenged by opponents at the present era. Challenging the reliability of documents, they try to ascribe it to shia scholars such as Numani and Sheikh Mofid. To remove these doubts, the author of the present paper has made an investigation of some hadiths issued by Infallible Imams and concluded that occultation is found in Infallible Imams forecast from the first century to the third one. There is little body of hadiths from the first century which also indicate that occultation had been regarded as a secret. The author finally concludes that the issue of occultation had been forecasted years before its occurrence and there are reliable hadiths in this regard.
Key Words: Imam Mahdi, peace be upon him, The Qaem, Occultation, Religious Questions Concerning Occultation.

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