ABSTRACTS No. 55 - Page 245

Mohammad Ali Mahdavi Rad Ph.D.

Sayyid Ali Delbari

An Analysis of Damages Caused by Incorrect Scansion of Hadith Reports

Selection of a part of a long hadith in proportion to a special theme is called Taqti` (scansion). Though it become prevalent after compilation of hadith collections, there have been found some records which indicate it had been used before compilation of hadith books. Islamic scholars especially hadith scholars have paid high attention to it and its side effects. Here is a question: What are the effects of an incorrect taqti` on hadith? Does it make the hadith unreliable or not. Utilizing an analytical-descriptive methode, the authors of the present paper try to answer this question. They finally conclude that the possibility of an incorrect taqti` in reliable hadith collection does not make it unreliable. They also point to different kinds of taqti` and render an analysis of their effects.
Key Words: Hadith Scansion, Pathology of Hadith Comprehension, Hadith Scholarship, Hadith Criticism.

Pooran Mirzaee

Reinvestigation of Ascribe of Tafsir al-Qummi

(Comparison between Its Introduction and Text)
The author of the present paper has a critical view of Tafsir al-Qummi and its introduction. She argues that what we recognize as introduction of Tafsir al-Qummi and use as a rijal reference in general authentications, has not been written by Ali bn Ibrahim Qummi. She makes a comparison between different versions of this introduction and Ali bn Ibrahim’s hadith reports and finds many discrepancies between hadith documentations and reports which reinforce this hypothesis that the above mentioned book has been written by someone who has the same name of Ali bn Ibrahim.
Key Words: Interpretation of the Quran, Hadith, Tafsir al-Qummi, Ali bn Ibrahim.

Mohammad Mahdi Masoodi

Sayyid Abdullah Shubbar in Usuli and Akhbari Debate

Ahl al-Hadith movement was one of the movements which developed in the early eleventh century after its stagnation for a period of time. This movement was against mujtahids’ traditional methods and monopoly of ijtihad. When Vahid Behbahani established his Usuli school of thought, Ahl Hadith movement gradually disappeared from the Shiite scientific circles. Sayyid `Abdullah Shubbar is a prominent Imami scholar who lived in the time of debate between Usulis and Akhbaris. This paper deals with the role of this great scholar in debates between Usulis and Akhbaris during that time.
Key Words: Abdollah Shubbar, People of Hadith, Akhbaris, Usulis.

Mohsen Rafat

Methodology of Fi Dhilal Nahj al-Balagha

Fi Dhilal Nahj al-Balagha is a prominent commentary written by Sheikh Muhammad Jawad Mughniyya. The author of the present paper views this commentary from two perspectives: form and content. Some form examples are as follows: earmarking the addressee of Imam Ali’s letters, a selected title, titling Imam’s speeches, initiating a separate chapter as Li al-Minbar, textual commentary, sentence-by-sentence commentary, and etc. Some content examples are as follows: thematically classification, utilizing many verses of the holy Quran, hadith commentary, approaching issues from different perspectives: fiqh (jurisprudence), philosophy, logic, theology, sophism and mysticism as well as biology and some more sciences, question and answer and many other methods.
Key Words: Fi Dhilal Nahj al-Balaghah (In the Light of Nahj al-Balagha: A Commentary), Muhammad Jawad Mughniyya, Nahj al-Balaghah, Imam Ali, peace be upon him, Methedology.

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