ABSTRACTS No. 56 - Page 261

are these hadiths? How reliable are they? These are questions that seem they should be answered precisely.
Analyzing the existing data in a library method, the author tries to classify these hadiths so that he can find an appropriate answer for the above mentioned questions.
It is necessary to note that this paper does not aim at rejecting or demonstrating the multidimensionality of the holy Quran but it tries to make an evaluation of these hadiths based on the criteria for hadith criticism in order to find their reliability or unreliability. As we should know the date of death of authors of hadith books so as to classify them, the author of this paper has written the date of their death next to their names.
Key Words: The Holy Quran, Hadith, Wujuh (Aspects), Hadith Criticism.

Ali Naqi Khodayari

Methods and Criteria of Hadith Criticism in Sheikh Mofid’s Works

Hadith criticism has an appropriate status in the works of Sheikh Mofid. He has utilized complicated methods in his criticism. Methods of hadith criticism in the works of Sheikh Mofid are divided into four groups. According to their importance: 1- text-oriented criticism, 2- document-oriented criticism, 3- source-oriented criticism, 4- demonstrating the evidences for lack of issuance or unreceivability of hadith. Each of the above mentioned methods has been developed utilizing many techniques and criteria.
Key Words: Sheikh Mofid, Hadith Criticism, Criticism of Text, Criticism of Document, Source-oriented Criticism.

Hojjat Zabihifar

Mahdi Mehrizi

A Survey of Imam Ali’s Sermons of Friday Prayers and Feasts

Collecting and analyzing Imam Ali’s sermons of Friday prayers and feasts is the main purpose of this paper. 17 sermons have been collected. These sermons are mainly taken from old Shi`I and Sunni hadith sources. In this paper authors also deal with figurative language used in sermons, length and content analysis of sermons and describe important features of these sermons. Some statements of sermons are repeatedly found in the whole body of these sermons which is an indication of importance attached to them by Imam Ali, peace be upon him. Some other topics of this paper are: Imam Ali’s efforts in holding Friday prayers in congregation, events and circumstances which caused the formation of these sermons, number of sermons, literature of sermons and etc.
Key Words: Imam Ali, peace be upon him, Sermon, Friday Prayers, Two Feasts.

Mohsen Tusi

Religious Teachings and Social-Labeling Theory

Relation between religion and sociological theories is the most important concern of scholars who study in the field of social sciences. Different views

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