ABSTRACTS No. 56 - Page 262

have been expressed in this regard. To draw them on a line one must put on one side those views which reject the existence of any relation between them. On the other side those who believe that faith can take part in this area. Islam as a complete religion has solutions both for spiritual guidance of man and for man’s social life. We should just discover these solutions. New theories such as sociological theories guide us to discover these laws.
The present paper lies at the middle of this line between two sides of it. The author has a middle approach. He starts his research with a little question in the field of sociology namely social-labeling theory and then explores different aspects of this theory and highlights its most important points and finally makes a comparison between them and hadith sources trying to find an answer.
Key Words: Social-Labeling Theory, Hadith Sources, Religion, Sociology.

Mahdi Jalali

Fatima Rezadad

Document Evaluation of Causes for Revelation of Chapter Dahr concerning Ahl al-Bayt

One of the issues discussed by the knowledge of causes for revelation is the existence of discrepancy concerning some chapters of the holy Quran. Chapter Hal Ataa is of the most important chapters in this regard which demands a critical and correct judgment. The author first studies the sources and evaluates the documents of some hadiths concerning the causes for revelation of this chapter and then tries to prove that revelation of this chapter in honor of Ahl al-Bayt [as some people like Ibn Jowzi and Ahmad Amin claim] is not a fictitious story made by some Shi`te but a reality which its document reliability is demonstrable based on general principles of hadith scholarship.
Key Words: Ahl al-Bayt, Chapter Dahr, Causes for Revelation, Narrations, Document Accuracy.

Mojtaba Motahari Elhami

A Deep Look into Hadith Levels

The author of the present paper has a deep look into hadith scholarship and views it from mystical and philosophical perspective. He tries to demonstrate this point that hadith scholars have not paid attention to hadith semantics as it deserves. They have grasped a meaning according to their level of perception. This restricts the comprehension of the Infallible Imams’ sayings. However understanding deep levels of a hadith demands a more comprehensive approach to it. This approach takes shape out of transcendent theosophy and mystical views of Ibn Arabi which is a kind of intuitive approach to the sayings of infallible Imams, peace be upon them, and is perceived through direct intuition. This is the secret referred to by Mullad Sadra in his Tafsir which is inspired by deep levels of verses of the holy Quran and sayings of the Infallible Imams, peace be upon them, and his Commentary on ‘Usul al-Kafi and works of Muhi al-Din. This is demonstrable with a kind of ontology, based on Mulla Sadra’s theosophy

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