ABSTRACTS No. 56 - Page 263

and interpretation of mystical themes in the sayings of the Prophet and Ahl al-Bayt, peace and blessings be upon them.
Key Words: Hadith Scholarship, Description, Interpretation, Secret, Mysticism, Intuition, Philosophy, Theosophy.

Hossein Taqipoor

Authenticity of the Companion’s Sayings

In this paper, the author first gives a definition of Sahaba (Companions of the holy Prophet) then deals with the starting point of this discussion among Sunnis and Shi`a. He views the Sunni’s three approaches to this issue and makes a comparison between Sunni’s mostly accepted approach and Shi`a’s and also an outline of their differences in this regard. He then investigates the views of Sunni and Shi`a concerning Justice of the Companions.
Consequently, related issues such as strength and weakness of marfu` and mawquf hadiths are discussed and similarities and differences between two views displayed and finally their views on the authenticity of sayings of the companions of the holy Prophet are analyzed.
Key Words: Companion of the Prophet, Justice, Authenticity, Sunni, Shi`a

Benjamin Orel

Translated and Edited by Ali Raad

Hadith Studies in Turkey’s Republic Era

Hadith scholarship in Turkey developed gradually from the early years of the Republic to the present time (1924-2010) within three distinct periods. Nowadays hadith studies have changed into an academic discipline. The main themes of the present paper are: history of hadith scholarship in Turkey, development strategies, works, shortages, characteristics of hadith studies in recent century of political history of Turkey, utilizing a documentary-descriptive method, the author of the present paper describes the main features of hadith scholarship in the Republic of Turkey.
Key Words: Turkey, Republic, Three Periods, Works, Characteristics.

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