ABSTRACTS No. 58 - Page 248

Mohamma Kazemi

Function of Religious Texts in Clarification of Hadith Words

Understanding the meanings of hadith words is of special importance. Referring to a dictionary is very useful, necessary and utilitarian. However, it is not sufficient. Dictionaries can not display all denotations and connotations of hadith words. Presenting some examples, the author of the present paper tries to demonstrate that we should not be content with meanings displayed by lexicographers in dictionaries. If so it will lead at least to some damages. Examining some methods of concept analysis of hadith words utilized in religious texts covers other parts of this paper. Finally, he utilizes this method to look up the true meaning of some hadith words.
Key Words: Word, Meaning, Religious Texts, Hadith.
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Dawud Ofoqi

Criteria of Ghuluw in the Quran and Sunnah

In this paper, the author is looking for some criteria from the holy Quran and hadiths so that based on them he can identify those hadiths which contain exaggerative concepts and beliefs.
According to the verses of the holy Quran, ghuluw (extremism) is tantamount to shirk (polytheism). The Gholat (extremists) are those whose beliefs and words about others leads to negation of Divine Sovereignty and acknowledging servitude of others. Claming divinity for other than Allah, claiming Allah's absolute attributes for other than Him are among the criteria of guluw in the verses of the holy Quran. In addition to the Quranic examples there are some other cases which are regarded as ghuluw by hadiths: such as claiming prophecy for the Infallible Imams, and giving superiority to them over the Prophet, may peace and blessings of Allah be upon them. The Imams of Ahlul-bayt (a.s) have always explicitly and without any ambiguity detested these groups.
Key Words: Ghuluw (Extremism), the Quranic Criteria, Hadith Criteria.
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Mohammad Reza Sobhaninia

Geometry of Hadith Sciences in Shaykh Bahaee's Thought and Writings

Shaykh Baha' ad-Din al-`Amili, or Sheykh Bahaee (February 1547 - 30 August 1621) was a great Shii scholar in the field of Quran, hadith , fiqh (jurisprudence), mysticism, mathematics, architecture, literature, and poetry. He wrote over 88 books in different topics mostly in Persian but also in Arabic. The present paper is concerned with one of the scientific characteristics of this great scholar that is hadith sciences: rijal, diraya, hadith terminology, hadith scholarship. To the author of the present paper Shaykh Bahaee's scholarly approach and wonderful innovations are all marvelous and praiseworthy.
Key Words: Shaykh Bahaee, Hadith, Rijal, Hadith Scholarship, Diraya, Hadith Terminology.
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