ABSTRACTS No. 58 - Page 249

Majid Ma`arif Ph.D

Yahya Mir Hossini

A Hadith on the Merits of the People of Persia: An Investigation

Hadith reporters and compilers of hadith collections have attributed some hadiths to the holy Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, which somehow indicates the merits of the people of Persia. It is such a merit that if it is at the Pleiades, the people of Persia will attain it. This merit has been described in three different words: `ilm (knowledge), iman (faith), din (religion). These hadiths can be looked up in hadith collections as well as Shii and Sunni history and tafsir books. In this paper the author first deals with Sunni hadiths which are of much scope and then comes up with Shii versions. He then verifies their contents and discusses the different views concerning their indications. Three basic views are concluded from evaluating these hadiths: first view is concerned with those who have displayed their agreement explicitly or implicitly; second view belongs to those -mostly modern- scholars who regard them as fabricated; third view which is a moderate one regards some of them as correct and the other ones as distorted. He finally discusses their reliability through investigating their chain of documents.
Key Words: Hadith, the Holy Prophet, may peace and blessings be upon him, Virtues, Persian People, Reliability, Chain of Documents, Text.
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Ali Alami Ardabili

Sayyid Ali Sajjadi Zadeh

A Survey of Khums Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari

Khums is one of the important issues discussed in the field of hadith, fiqh and the holy Quran. Its incumbency has been proved by the Holy Quran and consensus of Muslims. In spite of unanimity among all Muslim over the fact of its incumbency, there are some disagreements among jurists and leaders of different sects over some of its rulings: such as ownership, ways of its spending and etc. Hadiths transmitted by the Sunni and Shii scholars concerning some canonical rulings are regarded as the source of this disagreement. Views presents by Sunni traditionists and jurists play a remarkable role in discovering the intellectual atmosphere and deducing rulings of religion. The author of this paper raises some questions concerning the place of khums in Bukhari’s Sahih as an important book of the Sunnis as well as Bukhri’s views on the related hadiths and tries to find appropriate answers for them. He classifies hadiths of Sahih into two parts: one chapter covers those in which the word of khums is found explicitly in the title of that chapter and the other one those which implicitly deal with this issue.
Key Words: Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Khums (One Fifth), Obligation of Khums, Ownership.
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Mohammad Hasan Rustami, Ph.D

Rain in Islamic Traditions

Rain is the mercy of God. By sending down this source of vitality, God has given life to all living creatures. Many Islamic hadiths have dealt with rain

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