ABSTRACTS No. 62 - Page 227

fourth century AH. He is known as a traditionist due to the theme of most of his works. One of his major initiatives is the establishment of a link between the Quran and Hadith. One of the examples of this link is his view of the sudden descent of the Holy Quran based on a tradition from Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him. This view has been severely criticized by some great scholars like Sheikh Mufid, Sayyid Murtada and Ibn Sharashub who had accepted the gradual descent of the Holy Quran. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the documents and evidences presented by the scientists and respond to their arguments. It shows that those documents only imply a gradual descent of the Quran and there is no implication of its sudden descent.
On the other hand, some other figures such as Sheikh Tusi, Allameh Hilli, Sayyid bn Tawuss Allama Majlisi have a consensus on the authenticity of wahid hadith. Many documents and evidences presented by Sheikh Ansari support this consensus. In addition to what was said, the present paper deals with document analysis of traditions used by Sheikh Saduq and explores the possibility of Sheikh Saduq's religious dissimulation in issuance of hadith which is a proof for his argument on the sudden descent of the Holy Quran.
Key Words: Sheikh Saduq, the Holy Quran, Sudden Descent, Wahid Hadith, Transmission Fame, Shadh Hadith, Hafs bn Ghiyath
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The Raj`a

Hadi Sadeqi Ph.D

Raj`a is specific to Shi`a belief. Raj`a in Arabic means "Return". In Islamic terminology, the term refers to the Second Coming, or the Return to Life, of a given past historical figure after that person's physical death. Shi'a believe that before the hereafter and the Day of Judgment, God brings back, in a future point in time, groups of people from the past. And that these people will have the same appearance as they had before. The purpose of this return is the establishment of justice for those who were oppressed and died oppressed: the oppressors are punished directly by the oppressed during this future reappearance. The author of the present paper examines the evidences mentioned in the Quran and hadith regarding Raj`a and answers the dubious questions in this regard. He finally concludes that if one does not want to accept the details of Raj`a which has been cited in some hadiths, he has to accept Raj`a itself, because the Quranic and hadith evidences which support it are firm and decisive and one can not deny them even if the comprehension of the details of Raj`a is difficult for some people.

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