ABSTRACTS No. 64 - Page 239

migration of people of Balkh to other hadith cities of the Shia world, their interest in this area.
Exploring Shia hadith and rijal books, the author of the present paper has found one hundred and one hadith transmitters of Balkh by the end of the fifth century. About fifteen of them have authored dozens of hadith books. Also a lot of indicators of a hadith seminary, such as holding meetings hadith are found in Balkh. This paper is an introduction to analysis and scrutiny of the history of hadith and hadith scholars and researchers.
Key Words: History, Tradition, Balkh, Shia Hadith Scholars, Hadith Books, Hadith Sessions

A Comparative Study of the Treaty of Malik Ashtar in Nahj al-Balaghah, Tuhaf Uqul and Nihayat al-Arab

Hossein Passandideh

The present study seeks to make a comparative study of the text of the treaty in three books and explore the differences between these texts and finally achieve the original text. The study and comparison are noteworthy from two perspectives: first, from a statistical perspective to size scenarios, differences and additions that turned out different scenarios, and identify the places where the texts differ from each other; second, from the perspective of hadith pathology so that potential damages are verified and reported briefly. This comparison showed that the distortion exceeds forty; twenty inserted at least five slips of the pen and about seventy likely dissections. Some other results of this study are as follows: frequent and sometimes very important and prominent additions in Tuhaf Uqul, the relative affinity of Nihayat al-Arab and Nahj al-Balaghah, three different texts in several cases, and special additions for all three. It also can be claimed or at least mentioned that these three books have used different sources.
Key Words: Treaty of Malik Ashtar, Nahj al-Balaghah, Distortion, Fractions, Insertion, Slip of the Pen.

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