Imam Ali and Political Leadership



Politics in the Two Schools of Thought

On the 18th of Dhil Hijjah 35 AH/June 17,656 CE, Imām ‘Ali (a.s.) took over as leader of the Muslims and was martyred in his prayer niche on Ramadān 21st,40 AH /January 29th,661CE. His rule thus lasted for just four years, nine months and three days.
Among the many issues that merit discussion in relation to this period of his life are the following:
1. How the Imām (a.s.) came to power and the dimensions of his political reform;
2. The various kinds of resistance against the policies of Imām Ali (a.s.), politically and militarily, and the wars and other conflicts during his short period of rulership;
3. The insubordination of Imām Ali’s (a.s.) army, their refusing to go to battles and their weakness in front of the enemy and also tyrannical invasions, plundering and night raids by Mu`āwiya;
4. The companions of Imām Ali (a.s.) and his agents;
5. Events leading to the plot for the assassination of Imām Ali (a.s.) and his Martyrdom.
Of these topics, perhaps the most important is the way that Imām Ali (a.s.) organized his administration, and the reasons for his policies, and that is because of its relevance to the present era and the guiding principles it can offer to contemporary rulers, particularly to the statesmen of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the leaders of Islamic movements. We believe that a clarification of the political principles of Imām Ali (a.s.) and a comparison with those of the Umayyad school, would confirm the validity of the Imām’s political principles in governing and respond to the objections that some people have raised against them, both in the past and even today.

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

3. The Introduction of Imam Ali and Political Leadership is a summary of the policies of Imām Ali (a.s.). In order to be fully aware of the policies of Imām Ali (a.s.) in various fields, it is necessary to refer to the main text [of this volume] according to the order of the topics.
4. The references in the footnotes of the ‘Introduction’ are just a part of the sources used in Imam Ali and Political Leadership and it is necessary to refer to the main chapters of the book for further information about other sources.
5. Wherever reference is made to a ‘section’, it refers to the sections of the Encyclopedia of Imām Ali ibn Abi Tālib.
In the end, I would like to thank my respected colleagues and everyone else who collaborated in the compilation of the Encyclopedia of Imām Ali ibn Abi Tālib, in particular the eminent scholars Sayyid Muhammad Kāzim Tabātabā'i, Sayyid Mahmud Tabātabā'i Nijād and the dear professor Mr. Muhammad Ali Mahdawi Rād, for their efforts in presenting analyses. I am also sincerely grateful to Mr. Ahmad Ridwāni who took on the English translation of Siyāsat Nāmeh and the eminent scholar Hujjatul-Islam Mohammad Sharif Mahdavi and Mr. Zaid Alsalami for editing this work. I pray to Allah the Beneficent to bestow His rewards on them all, befitting His Grace and the dignity of the Master of the Pious [Ali ibn Abi Tālib (a.s.)].
O Lord, Deign to accept this from us! Verily, You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.1Muhammad Muhammadi Rayshahri
21 Shawāl 1431
30 September 2010

1.. Qur'ān ۲:۱۲۷

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