Imam Ali and Political Leadership

See: The Encyclopedia of Amir al-Mu'minin: (Masqala ibn Hubayra).


Al-Mundhir ibn al-Jārud

133. Ansāb al-Ashrāf –in a letter to al-Mundhir ibn al-Jārud, his governor in Istakhr1 when he was informed that he had misappropriated certain property in his charge and granted lavishly to whomever he wished: “The good behavior of your father deceived me about you and I thought that you would follow his way and continue on his path. But according to what has reached me about you, you are not giving up the following of your passions however detrimental it is to your religion and you do not listen to [the words of] those who advise you however sincere they are in their well-wishing. I have been informed that you give up many tasks and go out for recreation, leisure and hunting and that you are lavishly generous to your Bedouin tribesmen with public property as if it is your parents’ bequest.
I swear by God, if this is true, the camel of your family and your shoelaces are better than you. Indeed God does not like amusement and leisure. And the betraying of Muslims and ruining their works enrages Him and the person who acts this way is not fitting for safeguarding the borders, securing public property and being trusted with the belongings of the Muslims. Therefore proceed to me as soon as this letter of mine reaches you.”

Mundhir went to the Imām. Some people complained that he had taken thirty thousand [coins from the public property]. He [the Imām] asked him about this matter and he denied it. He got him to swear, but he refused, so he arrested him.”2

1.. This is the Arabic pronunciation of the Persian word Istakhr, which was one of the most ancient cities of the Persian Empire.

2.. Ansāb al-Ashrāf, vol. ۲, p. ۳۹۱, Nahj al-Balāghah, Letter ۷۱, Tārikh al-Ya`qubi, vol. ۲, p. ۲۰۳.

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

راجع: موسوعة الإمام عليّ بن أبي طالب علیه السلام: ج 7 ص 493 (مصقلة بن هبيرة).

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المُنذِرُ بنُ الجارودِ

133. أنساب الأشراف: وكَتَبَ علیه السلام إلَىٰ المُنذِرِ بنِ الجارودِ، وبَلَغَهُ أنَّهُ يَبسُطُ يَدَهُ في المالِ، ويَصِلُ مَن أتاهُ، وكانَ عَلى اِصطَخرَ1: إنَّ صَلاحَ أبيكَ غَرَّني مِنكَ، وظَنَنتُ أنَّكَ تَتَّبِعُ هَديَهُ وفِعلَهُ، فَإِذا أنتَ فيما رُقِّيَ إلَيَّ عَنكَ لا تَدَعُ الاِنقِيادَ لِهَواكَ وإن أزرىٰ ذلِكَ بِدينِكَ، ولا تُصغي إلَى النّاصِحِ وإن أَخلَصَ النُّصحَ لَكَ، بَلَغَني أنَّكَ تَدَعُ عَمَلَكَ كَثيراً وتَخرُجُ لاهِياً مُتَنَزِّهاً مُتَصَيِّداً، وأنَّكَ قَد بَسَطتَ يَدَكَ في مالِ اللهِ لِمَن أتاكَ مِن أعرابِ قَومِكَ، كَأَنَّهُ تُراثُكَ عَن أبيكَ واُمِّكَ.
وإنّي اُقسِمُ بِاللهِ لَئِن كانَ ذلِكَ حَقّاً لَجَمَلُ أهلِكَ وشِسعُ نَعلِكَ خَيرٌ مِنكَ، وأنَّ اللَّعِبَ وَاللَّهوَ لا يَرضاهُمَا اللهُ، وخِيانَةَ المُسلِمينَ وتَضييعَ أعمالِهِم مِمّا يُسخِطُ رَبَّكَ، ومَن كانَ كَذلِكَ فَلَيسَ بِأَهلٍ لاَِن يُسَدَّ بِهِ الثَّغرُ، ويُجبىٰ بِهِ الفَيءُ، ويُؤتَمَنَ عَلىٰ مالِ المُسلِمينَ، فَأَقبِل حينَ يَصِلُ كِتابي هٰذا إلَيكَ.
فَقَدِمَ فَشَكاهُ قَومٌ ورَفَعوا عَلَيهِ أنَّهُ أخَذَ ثَلاثينَ ألفَاً، فَسَأَلَهُ فَجَحَدَ، فَاستَحلَفَهُ فَلَم يَحلِف، فَحَبَسَهُ.2

1.. اِصْطَخر: معرّب استخر، وهي من أقدم مدن فارس، وبها كان سرير الملك دارا بن داراب، وبها آثار عظيمة. وبينها وبين شيراز اثنا عشر فرسخاً (راجع: تقويم البلدان: ص۳۲۹).

2.. أنساب الأشراف: ج۲ ص۳۹۱؛ نهج البلاغة: الكتاب ۷۱، تاريخ اليعقوبي: ج۲ ص۲۰۳ كلاهما نحوه.

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    Imam Ali and Political Leadership
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