Imam Ali and Political Leadership

252. Imām Ali (a.s.) – in his instructions to Mālik al-Ashtar (as related in Tuhaf al-`Uqul): “Take upon yourself the upkeep of the orphans and aged from among those who have no means at their disposal and do not exert themselves in begging. Arrange pensions for them. They are the servants of God. Seek God’s favor through relieving them [from their plights] and keeping them in their proper positions in provisions and rights, since deeds are regarded sincere when they are well intended. The people, or some of them, will not be tranquil even if you settle their needs and fulfill their rights in your absence, without attending to their problems physically present. This is a heavy burden upon the rulers. The truth, all of it, is a heavy burden. God lightens it for those who seek the next world and endure [hardships] upon themselves and trust in the truthfulness of God’s promise to those who endure [hardships] and are sincere. So be one of them and seek God’s help.”1

253. Imām Ali (a.s.) – in his instructions to Mālik al-Ashtar on various classes of people: “Know that subjects are of various classes. Then there is the lowest class from among the needy and deprived who have the right to aid and assistance. With God there is ampleness for each [of these classes] and each has a claim upon the ruler to the extent that he will set them aright.”2

254. Imām Ali (a.s.) – from his letter to one of his administrators sent for collecting taxes: “Indeed you have a fixed share and a known right in these taxes and there are other sharers who are poor, weak and starving. We shall fully discharge your rights, so you should also discharge their rights fully. If you do not do so, you will have the largest number of enemies on the Day of
Judgment. How wretched is he whose enemies in the view of God are the needy, the poor, the beggars, the turned away, the indebted and the helpless traveler [who is without any means].”3

1.. Tuhaf al-`Uqul, p. ۱۴۱.

2.. Nahj al-Balāghah, Letter ۵۳, Tuhaf al-`Uqul, p. ۱۳۲. Also cf, Da`ā'im al-Islām, vol.۱, p. ۳۵۷.

3.. Nahj al-Balāghah, Letter ۲۶.

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

252. عنه علیه السلام ـ في عَهدِهِ إلى مالِكٍ الأَشتَرِ (في روايَةِ تُحَفِ العُقولِ) ـ: وتَعَهَّد أهلَ اليُتمِ وَالزَّمانَةِ وَالرِّقَّةِ فِي السِّنِّ مِمَّن لا حيلَةَ لَهُ، ولا يَنصِبُ لِلمَسأَلَةِ نَفسَهُ؛ فَأَجرِ لَهُم أرزاقاً، فَإِنَّهُم عِبادُ اللهِ، فَتَقَرَّب إلَى اللهِ بِتَخَلُّصِهِم ووَضعِهِم مَواضِعَهُم في أقواتِهِم وحُقوقِهِم، فَإِنَّ الأَعمالَ تَخلُصُ بِصِدقِ النِّيّاتِ. ثُمَّ إنَّهُ لا تَسكُنُ نُفوسُ النّاسِ أو بَعضِهِم إلى أنَّكَ قَد قَضَيتَ حُقوقَهُم بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ دونَ مُشافَهَتِكَ بِالحاجاتِ، وذلِكَ عَلَى الوُلاةِ ثَقيلٌ، وَالحَقُّ كُلُّهُ ثَقيلٌ، وقَد يُخَفِّفُهُ اللهُ عَلى أقوامٍ طَلَبُوا العاقِبَةَ فَصَبَّروا نُفوسَهُم، ووَثِقوا بِصِدقِ مَوعودِ اللهِ لِمَن صَبَرَ وَاحتَسَبَ، فَكُن مِنهُم وَاستَعِن بِاللهِ.1

253. عنه علیه السلام ـ في عَهدِهِ إلى مالِكٍ الأَشتَرِ، وهُوَ في بَيانِ طَبَقاتِ النّاسِ ـ: اِعلَمْ أنَّ الرَّعِيَّةَ طَبَقاتٌ... ثُمَّ الطَّبَقَةُ السُّفلى مِن أهلِ الحاجَةِ وَالمَسكَنَةِ الَّذينَ يَحِقُّ رِفدُهُم ومَعونَتُهُم. وفِي اللهِ لِكُلٍّ سَعَةٌ، ولِكُلٍّ عَلَى الوالي حَقٌّ بِقَدرِ ما يُصلِحُهُ2.

254. عنه علیه السلام ـ مِن كِتابِهِ إلى بَعضِ عُمّالِهِ، وقَد بَعَثَهُ عَلَى الصَّدَقَةِ ـ: إنَّ لَكَ في هذِهِ الصَّدَقَةِ نَصيباً مَفروضاً، وحَقّاً مَعلوماً، وشُرَكاءَ أهلَ مَسكَنَةٍ، وضُعَفاءَ ذَوي فاقَةٍ، وإنّا مُوَفّوكَ حَقَّكَ، فَوَفِّهِم حُقوقَهُم، وإلّا تَفعَل فَإِنَّكَ مِن أكثَرِ النّاسِ خُصوماً يَومَ القِيامَةِ، وبُؤسىٰ لِمَن خَصمُهُ عِندَ اللهِ الفُقَراءُ وَالمُساكينُ، وَالسّائِلونَ، وَالمَدفوعونَ، وَالغارِمونَ، وَابنُ السَّبيلِ!3

1.. تحف العقول: ص۱۴۱.

2.. نهج البلاغة: الكتاب ۵۳، تحف العقول: ص۱۳۲ وفيه «في فيء الله» بدل «في الله» وراجع: دعائم الإسلام: ج۱ ص۳۵۷.

3.. نهج البلاغة: الكتاب ۲۶.

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