Imam Ali and Political Leadership

Chapter Seven: Judicial Policies


Electing the Best for Judgment

367. Imām Ali (a.s.) – in his instruction to Mālik Ashtar: “Then choose to judge among men, the most excellent of subjects in your sight, i.e., one who is not beleaguered by (complex) affairs, who is not rendered ill-tempered by the litigants, who does not persist in error, who is not distressed by returning to the truth when he recognizes it, whose soul does not descend to any kind of greed, who is not satisfied with an inferior understanding (of a thing) short of the more thorough, one who hesitates most in (acting in the face of) obscurities, who adheres most to arguments, who is the least to become annoyed at the petition of the litigants, who is the most patient (in waiting) for the facts to become clear and who is the firmest when the verdict has become manifest; a man who does not become conceited when praise is lavished upon him and who is not attracted by temptation. But such (men) are few.”1


Financial Support for the Judges

368. Imām Ali (a.s.) – in his instruction to Mālik Ashtar: “Then choose to judge among men, the most excellent of subjects in your sight … and grant generously to him that which will eliminate his wants and through which his need from men will decrease.”2

1.. Nahj al-Balāghah, Letter ۵۳, Tuhaf al-`Uqul, p. ۱۳۵.

2.. Nahj al-Balāghah, Letter ۵۳, Tuhaf al-`Uqul, p. ۱۳۵ ۱۳۶, Bihār al-Anwār, vol. ۳۳, p. ۶۰۵, h. ۷۴۴.

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

الفصل السابع : السّیاسة القضائیّة

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اختیار الأفاضل للقضاء

367. الإمام عليّ علیه السلام ـ في عَهدِهِ إلى مالِكٍ الأَشتَرِ ـ: ثُمَّ اختَر لِلحُكمِ بَينَ النّاسِ أفضَلَ رَعِيَّتِكَ في نَفسِكَ، مِمَّن لا تَضيقُ بِهِ الاُمورُ، ولا تُمَحِّكُهُ1 الخُصومُ، ولا يَتَمادى فِي الزَّلَّةِ، ولا يَحصَرُ مِنَ الفَيءِ إلَى الحَقِّ إذا عَرَفَهُ، ولا تُشرِفُ نَفسُهُ عَلى طَمَع، ولا يَكتَفي بِأَدنى فَهم دونَ أقصاهُ، وأوقَفَهُم فِي الشُّبهاتِ، وآخَذَهُم بِالحُجَجِ، وأقَلَّهُم تَبَرُّماً بِمُراجَعَةِ الخَصمِ، وأصبَرَهُم عَلى تَكَشُّفِ الاُمورِ، وأصرَمَهُم عِندَ اتِّضاحِ الحُكمِ، مِمَّن لا يَزدَهيهِ إطراءٌ ولا يَستَميلُهُ إغراءٌ، واُولئِكَ قَليلٌ.2

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التّأمین الاقتصاديّ للقضاة

368. الإمام عليّ علیه السلام ـ في عَهدِهِ إلى مالِك الأَشتَرِ ـ: ثُمَّ اختَر لِلحُكمِ بَينَ النّاسِ أفضَلَ رَعِيَّتِكَ في نَفَسِكَ... وَافسَح لَهُ فِي البَذلِ ما يُزيلُ عِلَّتَهُ وتَقِلُّ مَعَهُ حاجَتُهُ إلَى النّاسِ.3

1.. المَحْك: اللجاج ( النهاية: ج۴ ص۳۰۳).

2.. نهج البلاغة: الكتاب ۵۳ ،تحف العقول: ص۱۳۵.

3.. نهج البلاغة: الكتاب ۵۳، تحف العقول: ص۱۳۵ و۱۳۶ نحوه، بحار الأنوار: ج۳۳ ص۶۰۵ ح۷۴۴.

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    Imam Ali and Political Leadership
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