Imam Ali and Political Leadership

“O People! Assist me against your desires. By Allah, I will take revenge for the oppressed from his oppressor and I will control the oppressor by holding his harness.”1
Stories of the practical assistance and support of the oppressed by such a paradigm of justice are examples to ponder on and are very instructive for those who claim to be followers of this noble figure of Islam.

6. Setting up a Complaints Box (Baytul Qisas)

The leader of the fighters against oppression who tried in every way possible to support the oppressed and to take vengeance on their behalf, would certainly spare no efforts in this way to see into the complaints of the oppressed.
However, how should the oppressed have their complaints heard by the rulers? It is evident that subordinates are mainly not able to get near to the ruling system, let alone to bring up a case or raise a complaint. Many a time it has so happened that when the complaint of an oppressed person was expressed, it was responded reversely, i.e., the one who should have been reprimanded has been promoted and turned into a complainant against the very person who had complained against him. In order to remove such difficulties and solve the problem of directly expressing the complaints and pleading for justice, as much as possible, Imām Ali (a.s.) set up a station called ‘baytul –qisas’ (complaints box) so that the people, the oppressed, and everyone who had a problem and was unable to bring it up, could write his complaint and place it there, to inform Imām Ali (a.s.) about it. Imām himself called out among the people that anyone who had a case to bring up and did not want anybody else to know about it and in order to be immune from being identified, should write down his inquiry and drop it in the complaints box. Seemingly, this is the first step in history towards connecting people to the ruling system.

1.. See ۵/۱۱, h. ۳۴۹.

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

and have been oppressed. Therefore, if they ever find a chance to express their sufferings and pains, they may speak coarsely.” He would hence advise his administrators to tolerate people’s rough language, occasional ill-temper, bitterness and unseemly reactions, never to get angry at them and treat them with a smiling face and nice words, and if they found out that blunders were committed secretly and away from public’s eyes, they should not make any enquiries about them.
Imām Ali (a.s.) tried to maintain the people’s relationship with the state as candid, transparent and far from any ambiguity. He would therefore enjoin administrators to sincerely try to remove the grounds for people’s suspicion towards the state, and if some hoodlums, would by commotion and hubbub, accuse the administrators of violating people’s rights, they should try to elucidate the reasons for their actions with honesty and meet them with clear explanations and never leave any doubts about the affairs of the state in the people’s minds. In reality, this is an indication of the value of people and their significance in the perspective of Imām Ali (a.s.).

5. Protecting the Oppressed

Imām Ali (a.s.) believed that restoring the rights of the oppressed from the oppressors was a ‘Divine covenant’. He (a.s.) therefore stressed on helping the oppressed and insisted on fighting against the oppressors. Helping the oppressed and fighting the oppressors were among the last instructions bequeathed to Imām Hasan (a.s.) and Imām Husayn (a.s.) and to all those who would hear the Imām’s testament, throughout history.
Imām Ali (a.s.) seized every opportunity to promote the culture of fighting against oppression, protecting the oppressed, seeking help from people to carry out social reforms and to make social links and relations.
He (a.s.) would say:
أيُّهَا النّاسُ! أعينوني عَلى أنفُسِكُم وايمُ اللهِ لاُِنصِفَنَّ المَظلومَ مِن ظالِمِهِ ، و لَأَقودَنَّ الظّالِمَ بِخِزامَتِهِ.

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