Imam Ali and Political Leadership

483. Rijāl al-Kashshi: “It is narrated from the Commander of the Faithful that he told `Abdullah ibn Yahyā al-Hadrami in the battle of Jamal: “Glad tidings to you O son of Yahyā, for you and your father are indeed among the elite forces. The Messenger of God (s.a.w.) informed me that you and your father are named among the elite forces. God has called you the elite forces (shurtah al-khamis), on the tongue of His Prophet. He also said: “The elite forces consist of five or six thousand people.”1


Paying Special Attention to the Armed Forces

484. Imām Ali (a.s.) – in his instructions to Mālik al-Ashtar: “Inspect the affairs of the soldiers as parents inspect their own child. Never let anything through which you have strengthened them distress you and do not underestimate the kindness you have undertaken for them even if it were small, for it will invite them to counsel you sincerely and trust you. Do not leave out attending to their minor affairs while depending upon (the examination of) the great matters because your small favors will also be of benefits to them as the big ones are also such that they cannot do without.
Among the chiefs of your army favor most him who assists the soldiers with his aid and bestows upon them what is at his disposal to the extent that suffices both them and those members of their families left behind, then their worries and concern in battle with enemy will be a single concern. Your kind inclination towards them will incline their hearts to you. Verily the foremost delight of the eye for rulers is the establishment of justice in the land and the manifestation of love for the subjects. But surely the subjects' love will not appear without

the well-being of their hearts, and their advice and sincerity (toward rulers) will not become right and fee from blemishes unless they watch over the rulers, find their governments of little burden and cease to hope that their period (of rule) will soon come to an end.
Therefore, let their hopes be expanded, persist in praising them warmly and taking into account the (good) accomplishments of everyone among them who has accomplished, for frequent mention of their good deeds will encourage the bold and rouse the weak and the indolent, God willing.
“Then recognize in every man that which he has accomplished, attribute not one man’s accomplishment to another and fall not short (of rewarding) the full extent of his accomplishment. The eminence of one man should not lead you to regard his small deeds as big nor should the low position of a man make you consider his big deeds as small.”2

1.. Rijāl al-Kashshi, vol. ۱, p. ۲۴, h. ۱۰, Bihār al-Anwār, vol. ۴۲, p. ۱۵۱, h. ۱۸.

2.. Nahj al-Balāghah, Letter ۵۳, Tuhaf al-`Uqul, p. ۱۳۷, Da`ā'im al-Islām, vol. ۱, p.۳۶۱.

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

483. رجال الكشّي: رُوِيَ عَن أميرِ المُؤمِنينَ علیه السلام أنَّهُ قالَ لِعَبدِ اللهِ بنِ يَحيَى الحَضرَمِيِّ يَومَ الجَمَلِ: أبشِر يَابنَ يَحيى؛ فَأَنتَ وأبوكَ مِن شُرطَةِ الخَميِس حَقّاً، لَقَد أخبَرَني رَسولُ اللهِ صلی الله علیه وآله بِاسمِكَ وَاسمِ أبيكَ في شُرطَةِ الخَميسِ، وَاللهُ سَمّاكُم شُرطَةَ الخَميسِ عَلى لِسانِ نَبِيِّهِ صلی الله علیه وآله . وذَكَرَ أنّ شُرطَةَ الخَميسِ كانوا سِتَّةَ آلافِ رَجُل، أو خَمسَةَ آلافٍ.1

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العنایة الخاصّة بالقوّات المسلّحة

484. الإمام عليّ علیه السلام ـ في عَهدِهِ إلى مالِك الأَشتَرِ ـ: ثُمَّ تَفَقَّد مِن اُمورِهِم ما يَتَفَقَّدُهُ الوالِدانِ مِن وَلَدِهِما، ولا يَتَفاقَمَنَّ في نَفسِكَ شَيءٌ قَوَّيتَهُم بِهِ. ولا تَحقِرَنَّ لُطفاً تَعاهَدتَهُم بِهِ وإن قَلَّ؛ فَإِنَّهُ داعِيَةٌ لَهُم إلى بَذلِ النَّصيحَةِ لَكَ، وحُسنِ الظَّنِّ بِكَ. ولا تَدَع تَفَقُّدَ لَطيفِ اُمورِهِمُ اتِّكالا عَلى جَسيمِها؛ فَإِنَّ لِليَسيرِ مِن لُطفِكَ مَوضِعاً يَنتَفِعونَ بِهِ، ولِلجَسيمِ مَوقِعاً لا يَستَغنونَ عَنهُ.
وَليَكُن آثَرُ رُؤوسِ جُندِكَ عِندَكَ مَن واساهُم في مَعونَتِهِ، وأفضَلَ عَلَيهِم مِن جِدَتِهِ بِما يَسَعُهُم ويَسَعُ مَن وَراءَهُم مِن خُلوفِ أهليهِم، حَتّى يَكونَ هَمُّهُم هَمّاً واحِداً في جِهادِ العَدُوِّ؛ فَإِنَّ عَطفَكَ عَلَيهِم يَعطِفُ قُلوبَهُم عَلَيكَ. وإنَّ أفضَلَ قُرَّةِعَينِ الوُلاةِ استِقامَةُ العَدلِ في البِلادِ، وظُهورُ مَوَدَّةِ الرَّعِيَّةِ، وإنَّهُ لا تَظهَرُ مَوَدَّتُهُم
إلّا بِسَلامَةِ صُدورِهِم، ولا تَصِحُّ نَصيحَتُهُم إلّا بِحيطَتِهِم عَلى وُلاةِ اُمورِهِم، وقِلَّةِ استِثقالِ دُوَلِهِم، وتَركِ استبِطاءِ انقِطاع مُدَّتِهِم.
فَافسَح في آمالِهِم، وواصِل في حُسنِ الثَّناءِ عَلَيهِم، وتَعديدِ ما أبلى ذَوُو البَلاءِ مِنهُم؛ فَإِنَّ كَثرَةَ الذِّكرِ لِحُسنِ أفعالِهِم تَهُزُّ الشُّجاعَ، وتُحَرِّضُ النّاكِلَ إن شاءَ اللهُ. ثُمَّ اعرِف لِكُلِّ امرِئً مِنهُم ما أبلى، ولا تَضُمَّنَّ بَلاءَ امرِئً إلى غَيرِهِ، ولا تُقَصِّرَنَّ بِهِ دونَ غايَةِ بَلائِهِ، ولا يَدعُوَنَّكَ شَرَفُ امرِئً إلى أن تُعظِمَ مِن بَلائِهِ ما كانَ صَغيراً، ولا ضَعَةُ امرِئً إلى أن تَستَصغِرَ مِن بَلائِهِ ما كانَ عَظيماً.2

1.. رجال الكشّي: ج۱ ص۲۴ ح۱۰، بحار الأنوار: ج۴۲ ص۱۵۱ ح۱۸.

2.. نهج البلاغة: الكتاب ۵۳، تحف العقول: ص۱۳۷، دعائم الإسلام: ج۱ ص۳۶۱ كلاهما نحوه.

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