Imam Ali and Political Leadership

Hereafter. The impact of this, would, in many times, remain in the troops for a very long time. That is why for many of them their lives were intermixed with enthusiasm, self-sacrifice, valor and bravery, and their actions were amalgamated with their steadfastness, being unconquerable and daring when confronting the enemy.
Creating the spirit of ‘Martyrdom’ among the companions of Imām Ali (a.s.) which was without doubt the outcome of his lofty sermons and teachings, is indeed wonderful.
Paying attention to the role of inculcation was also among the meaningful tactics of Imām Ali (a.s.) to strengthen the spiritual capabilities of his fighters (mujāhidin) in the battles. Concerning his own experience, the Imām said to his son Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiya:
إنَّني لَم ألقِ أحَداً إلاّ حَدَّثَتني نَفسي بِقَتلِهِ ، فَحَدِّث نَفسَكَ بِعَونِ اللهِ بِظُهوركَ عَلَيهِم.I did not confront anyone [in war] without inculcating in myself that I would be able to kill him, therefore tell yourself that you will have victory over them with the help of God.1
On the other hand, Imām demonstrates that the inculcation of weakness, fear and thinking about the power of the enemy is among the causes of disorder of the troops and defeat by the enemy. Once the Imām was asked:
بِأَيِّ شَيء غَلَبتَ الأَقرانَ؟How did you win victory over [your] rivals?
He replied:
ما لَقيتُ رَجُلاً إلّا أعانَني عَلى نَفسِهِ.I did not meet [confront] anyone, without him assisting me against himself [by revealing his weaknesses].2

1.. See ۹/۴, h. ۴۹۹.

2.. Nahj al-Balāghah, Aphorism ۳۱۸.

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

devoid of fraud and free from suspicion, as I swear to God that I have a greater right to people than themselves.
The Special Forces, or those who are referred today as wise and skillful ‘fundamentalists’ and ‘hizbullāhis’ [members of the party of Allah] were next to the Imām and while criticizing and expressing their viewpoints about his policies, remained loyal to him in the most distressing situations and moments of his rule.
It seems that they were called the Forces of Thursday either because of their special features or due to their presence with the Imām (a.s.) with a special allegiance.1 Asbagh ibn Nabāta was asked:
“O Asbagh! How were you named the ‘Forces of Thursday’? He replied: “We guaranteed that we would sacrifice ourselves for him and he guaranteed victory for us.”2

3. Strengthening the Troops’ Morale

Without doubt, spiritual forces and mental power play a decisive and astonishing role in actions and all sorts of creativity. Imām therefore, greatly emphasized the importance of mental power, spiritual capability and increasing the chivalrous spirit in his combat forces. He tried through every possible means, to strengthen the morale of the armed forces in confrontation with the enemy and enhancing their steadfastness through uplifting their sense of chivalry. The Imām’s speeches in this respect are highly thought-provoking and interesting.
The fiery speeches of Imām, his thrilling words, inspiring sermons, stimulating slogans, his attentive characteristics in that part of his life and his explanation to the combatants of their final station after life were all intended to provide and spread such elevated states of a spiritual mind.
Once having organized the combat forces, Imām would explain in a highly eloquent speech the shortness and undesirability of the worldly life in contrast to the excellence and everlastingness of the

1.. al-Nihāya, vol. ۲, p. ۴۶۰.

2.. Majama` al-Bahrayn, vol. ۲, p. ۹۴۲.

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