Imam Ali and Political Leadership

the innate human nature (fitra) and common sense confirm its soundness and efficiency, and historical experiences testify their correctness and value. By referring to conscience and history, anyone with any kind of ideology can easily perceive these facts and confirm their efficacy in governing a state. In chapter ten of the present book, these guidelines and principles are divided into the following three categories:

1. Policies Causing the Perpetuation of Governments

Imām Ali (a.s.) regards certain policies necessary for the survival of governments. By observing the doctrines of Imām Ali (a.s.) and his code of conduct we can find out that Imām (a.s.) considered the following of utmost necessity: the spreading of equality, social justice, proper management in administering people’s affairs, good treatment and respect to all, awareness of political trends and safeguarding freedom, independence, dignity and all that which is related to people’s individual and social rights. He considers them all, as essential for the steadfastness and perpetuity of government. His interpretation of justice is something truly interesting to contemplate.
Imām Ali (a.s.) compared justice with a fortress, a shield, a firm foundation and a binding string and he considered the implementing of justice as the best and the most efficient policy in ruling. He defined it as ‘the adornment of politics’, affirming that it is with justice that the ruler captures the hearts and attains Divine Mercy. He was also quoted as saying that once governments are based on the foundations of justice and rested on the pillars of wisdom, God Almighty will help their advocates and destroy their challengers. In addition to the spread of justice, Imām regarded proper management as a necessity for the stability and continuation of governments. He considered benevolence as the beauty of power and awareness as a sign of astuteness and correct governing.

2. Policies Causing the Decline of Governments

Imām Ali (a.s.) considers the outcomes of certain policies as destructive and damaging. Even though such policies are effective for a short time and may preserve the government for a while longer, they would ultimately lead to its fall and destruction. What the

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

remembrance in the hearts of his soldiers and with his mystical whispers he would calm the atmosphere of his army, seeking the assistance of God Almighty. His (Jihad) and fighting was therefore a basis for Divine Love and a means of approaching to God, as well as a step in the direction of the actualizing of Divine teachings and human values. The contents of Imām’s supplications and the theme of his invocations, clearly prove what has been previously said.

F. Starting War in the Afternoon

Imām would try through all possible ways and arrangement to lessen as much as possible the damages and human losses that war might inflict, in case fighting was inevitable. Imām would therefore try to get the war started in the afternoon so that by the falling of the night the fighting would stop and thus the fighters would withdraw earlier and there would be less bloodshed and also the runaways from the battleground could easily flee.

G. Good Treatment of the Survivors of the Enemy

When the battle would subside, Imām Ali (a.s.) would command that the defeated troops, the wounded, the captives and those of the enemy’s army that were left behind, especially the women to be given the best of treatment. As previously mentioned, Imām’s orders were: not to chase the runaways, not to kill the wounded, not to invade people’s houses, not to take any of the spoils and never to mistreat the women, even if they insulted the troops and their army commanders.

Eight: International Policies

What has been said so far is just a glance at the policies of Imām Ali (a.s.) in various aspects of governing a state.
We now intend to recount some aspects of Imām Ali’s (a.s.) global policies. We have selected particular doctrines from among the Imām’s world policies that would be beneficial and practical for the governing of a state in every place and in any culture. The guidelines presented with their relevant texts in the main part of the book include political, social, cultural and governmental guidelines that

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