Imam Ali and Political Leadership

nations, and countries. The following facts and policies can be extracted from among the highly valuable words of Imām and by studying his way of life:
respecting the rights of the human beings, regardless of their ideas and ways of thinking, upholding their rights, absolute respect in dealing with others, avoiding any disrespectful and belittling relation or association with governments and nations, never submitting to derogation, stressing on removal of tension in connection with governments, moving towards the development of genuine tranquility and a peaceful life accompanied by esteem, prevention of arousing enmity, sparing no means to correct the enemy’s ideas and conducts (istislāh al-`adu); remaining loyal to various treaties and being trustworthy in fulfilling of the people’s rights, benefiting from other people’s knowledge and expertise in the field of culture, yet stressing on the policy of cultural independence, warning against being absorbed in polytheistic and corrupt cultures; and finally, studying various cultures and selecting what is best in them and many other things.
Furthermore, there are many issues that have been expressed in the various sayings of Imām Ali (a.s.) which are very illuminating in regard to international relationships. Such tenets have been presented in the ‘miscellaneous’ section at the end of this present volume.

A Summary of the Policies of Imām Ali (a.s.)

That which has been presented so far, was a glance at the contents of the chapters which have been compiled in this book to explain the different politics of Imām Ali (a.s.). Contemplating on what was mentioned would reveal that politics according to Imām Ali (a.s.) is an instrument for ruling on the basis of human rights and the real needs of the people, not for the dominance of dictators and violators of people’s rights.
Based on what we mentioned, and after summing up and studying the above information ,we can now respond to the questions and criticisms raised regarding the policies of Imām and analyze the causes and reasons of what is mentioned about his statesmanship and discuss their veracity or incorrectness.

Imam Ali and Political Leadership

doctrines of Imām Ali (a.s.) deem destructive and damaging are: violation of people’s rights, unjust bloodshed, mismanagement in handling affairs, selfishness , misappropriation, giving priority to governors, heads of government and their associates over others, neglecting fundamental tasks and issues, dealing with trivial, fruitless and unimportant issues, assigning inefficient people to critical posts and failing to employ competent individuals.
Imām asserts that oppression and injustice under any name and in any form will cause the decline of the state, and if injustice is allowed in a society, it will consequently lead to wars and the state’s authority and its dignity will be marred. This is why he views oppression as the worst of policies and affirms that injustice and tyranny create instability, remove blessings and ruin communities and states.
In his instructions to Mālik al-Ashtar, Imām Ali (a.s.) wrote: “Never commit bloodshed when dealing with opponents and those of other ideologies, as the shedding of unlawful blood will bring Divine revenge, take away blessings and sovereignty will never be set firm by bloodshed, rather it will weaken, enfeeble and ruin its authority.”
He asserted that if a government is inflicted with mismanagement and does not enjoy wise and precise policies, it will start to decline and will consequently topple. The state which provides the best facilities for the ruler and his dominance, and instead of self-sacrifice (ithār), it proceeds with selfishness and the use of facilities for the ruler and his associates (isti'thār) will definitely be bound to decline. Imām said: “The rulers who deal with trivial, baseless, and transient issues instead of proceeding with fundamental tasks, basic policies, and principal planning, will rapidly slide to decline. Those who put aside the great tasks and excellent deeds and deal with mean and petty work will lead the government to its plight.” Pondering on such teachings of the Imām is necessary and beneficial for rulers, officials, and heads of states.

3. Efficient International Policies

In addition to what has been said, Imām followed certain policies and introduced methods of interaction that should be taken into consideration by the rulers when interacting with other states,

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